Nov 3rd, 1977 #WFAU Interview - #ScienceFiction writer #FrederikPohl (25 minutes)
"Science Fiction is what answers to that name when you call it."
#wfau #sciencefiction #FrederikPohl #starwars #scifi #interview #audio #radio
@stjaerna #FrederikPohl working as a technical writer for politicians and organizations for a big chunk of his life explains a lot, I think. He delivered.
On the other hand, working as an editor for Bantam, he published books like #Dhalgen by #SamuelRDelany and #TheFemaleMen by #JoannaRuss, and being a magazine editor he bought a whole lot of New Wave stories.
Pohl definitely has not been a gatekeeper (pun intended).
#FrederikPohl #Dhalgen #samuelrdelany #TheFemaleMen #JoannaRuss
Il Come Eravamo del Come Saremo – Paesaggi Alieni 3
di Mauro Antonio Miglieruolo
La Fantascienza come poesia per immagini puntata numero 32
Insisto. Van Vogt. Non solo perch
#bottegadelbarbieri #labottegadelbarbieri
#Articoli #Difuturicen'ètanti #Fantascienzacomepoesia #FrederikPohl #IlComeEravamodelComeSaremo #immaginifantascienza #LeArmidiIsher #MauroAntonioMiglieruolo #PhilipDick #VanVogt
#VanVogt #PhilipDick #MauroAntonioMiglieruolo #LeArmidiIsher #immaginifantascienza #IlComeEravamodelComeSaremo #FrederikPohl #Fantascienzacomepoesia #Difuturicen #articoli #labottegadelbarbieri #bottegadelbarbieri