anarcholatina :trantifa: · @ramonita
387 followers · 937 posts · Server

the first time I went to a migrantifa group in Germany, it was v awkward because I was told, "sorry, this meeting is for BIPoC only". and I said oh my bad, I guess I assumed it was for immigrants in general, I'll finish this coffee and go ok. but after a while they came back like no wait we'll talk about it with everyone.

and it took some time for me to understand that migra organising here is mostly done by BIPoC folk whose parents were immigrants, i.e. they're born in Germany, native speakers and legal citizens, but they get marginalised by white supremacy and treated as "not German" and potential criminals etc. which is kind of the exact mirror of my situation, marginalised by all legal/governmental systems and always at risk of deportation, but untouched by racism and treated as German by default (at least until I open my mouth).

"Latina" is ofc a nonsense category dreamed up by US racists, there's no such thing as a Latina ethnicity, but I think there's value in reclaiming a cultural togetherness for the whole part of America south of Texas. but the existence of Latinx folk bleached enough to pass as coloniser kinda throws a wrench at the way political groups normally organise here. because like I undoubtedly, undeniably grew up with white priv and will be prone to the kind of crappiness all white people are prone to. and at the same time my social status isn't comparable to a white European antifascist, at all (e.g. even a minor infraction like doing graffiti could tear me away from my whole community forever, let alone, say, supporting the Kurds in public, btw).

in the end the migrantifa group decided it makes sense for people like me to be there, and now the posters say it's a space for "BIPoC and migrants", and many good times were had in various aktions ever since.


Last updated 2 years ago

anarcholatina :trantifa: · @ramonita
381 followers · 928 posts · Server

the first time I went to a migrantifa group in Germany, it was v awkward because I was told, "sorry, this meeting is for BIPoC only". and I said oh my bad, I guess I assumed it was for immigrants, I'll finish this coffee and go ok. but after a while they came back like no wait we'll talk about it with everyone.

and it took some time for me to understand that migra organising here is mostly done by BIPoC folk whose parents were immigrants, i.e. they're born in Germany, native speakers and legal citizens, but they get marginalised by white supremacy and treated as "not German" and potential criminals etc. which is kind of the exact mirror of my situation, marginalised by all legal/governmental systems and always at risk of deportation, but untouched by racism and treated as German by default (at least until I open my mouth).

"Latina" is ofc a nonsense category dreamed up by US racists, there's no such thing as a Latina ethnicity, but I think there's value in reclaiming a cultural togetherness for the whole part of America south of Texas. but the existence of Latinx folk bleached enough to pass as coloniser kinda throws a wrench at the way political groups normally organise here. because like I undoubtedly, undeniably grew up with white priv and will be prone to the kind of crappiness all white people are prone to. and at the same time my social status isn't comparable to a white European antifascist, at all (e.g. even a minor infraction like doing graffiti could tear me away from my whole community forever, let alone, say, supporting the Kurds in public, btw).

in the end the migrantifa group decided it makes sense for people like me to be there, and now the posters say it's a space for "BIPoC and migrants".


Last updated 2 years ago

Feleknas Uca · @Feleknasuca
1 followers · 1168 posts · Server

RT @EFAparty: 📢 On the occasion of the 73rd birthday of the Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan on April 4, who has been in prison since 15 January 1999, we demand the immediate end of his isolation and call for his freedom.

"Freedom for Öcalan!"



Last updated 3 years ago

Pernando Barrena🔻 · @pernandobarrena
5 followers · 921 posts · Server

RT @EFAparty: 📢 On the occasion of the 73rd birthday of the Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan on April 4, who has been in prison since 15 January 1999, we demand the immediate end of his isolation and call for his freedom.

"Freedom for Öcalan!"



Last updated 3 years ago

Unser Video:
Für |s Ideen kämpft Massenbewegung in Türkei, Kurdistan, und weltweit (Nick Brauns)

Berlin, 10.1.21

#lldemo #FreeÖcalan #DemokratischerKonföderalismus #FreiheitFuerOecalan #rojava #öcalan

Last updated 4 years ago

Unser Video:
Einführung in Ideen Abdullah |s von Peter Schaber (Lower Class Magazin) beim Unrast Verlag (Nick Brauns)
Berlin, 10.1.21

#lldemo #FreeÖcalan #DemokratischerKonföderalismus #FreiheitFuerOecalan #öcalan

Last updated 4 years ago

Unser Video:
Angriffe auf -Gegner*innen und eigene Bedrohung / Graue Wölfe (Nick Brauns)
Berlin, 10.1.21

#lldemo #FreeÖcalan #DemokratischerKonföderalismus #FreiheitFuerOecalan #erdogan

Last updated 4 years ago