#ReproductiveRights #advocates are seeking to make #FreeAccess to #BirthControl a #ProvincialElectionIssue while the party currently in power had no comment Monday.
“We call on all parties in #Manitoba to commit to #NoCost #contraception before the election scheduled for Oct. 3,” said Paige Mason, #Winnipeg based president of the #AbortionRights #Coalition of #Canada .
*We have far right ppl fighting against this.*
#reproductiverights #advocates #FreeAccess #birthcontrol #provincialelectionissue #manitoba #nocost #contraception #winnipeg #abortionrights #coalition #canada #WomensMonth #womensrights #ourbodiesourchoice
Locked Out of Development: Insiders and Outsiders in Arab Capitalism
#FreeAccess until Februari 5th #Protip