Another Swedish citizen arrested in #Iran, to extort the release of an Iranian responsible for mass executions and torture of political prisoners in #Iran who was sentenced to prison, in #Sweden.
Still, Swedish citizen Ahmadreza Djalali is facing his execution, with his death sentence being upheld by Iran.
This is how the hostage business works. #Belgium should take notice.
#SaveAhmadreza #FreeAhmadreza
#hostages #backmail #extortion
#extortion #backmail #hostages #FreeAhmadreza #SaveAhmadreza #belgium #sweden #iran
The execution of Ahmadreza Djalali, #Swedish #hostage in #Iran, is imminent. If he isn't saved, he will be hanged the day after tomorrow, on May 21st.
"Over a dozen Western nationals are being held in Iran in what activists argue is a policy of hostage-taking aimed at extracting concessions from the West. Two more #French citizens were detained earlier this month."
#FreeAhmadreza #SaveAhmadreza #french #iran #hostage #swedish
Il 21 maggio il ricercatore Ahmadreza Djalali sarà giustiziato in Iran in base a confessioni estorte con la tortura. Amnesty International protesta. Qui il link per firmare la petizione di #Amnesty:
Purely coincidental:
"Ahmadreza Djalali, a disaster medicine doctor and researcher, was arrested in 2016 on an academic visit to #Iran and is to be executed by May 21, ISNA said.
The report comes as Hamid #Noury, a former Iranian prosecution official arrested by Swedish authorities in 2019, faces a life sentence in #Sweden on charges of international war crimes and human rights abuses."
#FreeAhmadreza #sweden #Noury #iran
Il #26aprile di sei anni fa, Ahmadreza Djalali è stato arrestato in #Iran. Da allora è detenuto ingiustamente e convive con la paura costante di essere messo a morte. La campagna per chiedere il suo rilascio continua #FreeAhmadreza
#FreeAhmadreza #iran #26aprile
RT @VoltEuropa
"It's been 100 days since Dr. Djalali, a #European citizen, was moved to solitary confinement: this is a travesty of #justice & a violation of #HumanRights. We unilaterally condemn #Iran and demand to #FreeAhmadreza immediately" - says @JoelBoehme, Volt Europa Board Member.
#FreeAhmadreza #iran #humanrights #justice #european