Even #newsweek is now printing articles that should be titled “Renz Was Right.” Sucks to be #Fauci right now. Next we have to shut down the #WEF #CCP the corrupt parts of our #DOD #CIA & #DIA and restore #Freespeech #freeandfairelections #FreedomofReligion & protect our #2ndAmendment… which SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED. NO trans day of vengeance - peace. #WETHEPEOPLE + #God had this! #Truth #Nashville #SupremeCourt #RenzWasRight #GodWins
#godwins #RenzWasRight #supremecourt #nashville #truth #god #wethepeople #2ndamendment #freedomofreligion #FreeAndFairElections #freespeech #dia #cia #DOD #ccp #wef #fauci #newsweek
#ElectionIntegrity #DecertifyTheFraud #GA #VotingFraud #FreeAndFairElections #SaveAmerica Prosecute the criminals #Decertify2020
#Decertify2020 #saveamerica #FreeAndFairElections #votingfraud #ga #DecertifyTheFraud #electionintegrity
A key takeaway from this article:
Corman wants the committee to issue subpoenas for information and testimony from the department as well as the state’s election registry and “take other steps necessary to get access to ballots and other voting materials to begin a full forensic audit of the 2020 General Election.”
#AuditAll50States #AuditTheVote #PA #AZ #ElectionIntegrity #TrueTheVote #FreeAndFairElections #NoVotingMachines #PaperBallots #OneLegalPersonOneLegalVote
#OneLegalPersonOneLegalVote #paperballots #NoVotingMachines #FreeAndFairElections #truethevote #electionintegrity #az #pa #auditthevote #auditall50states
Pro-Trump Rep. #Donalds responds to CNN pundit calling on him to resign: 'Flat-out wrong' https://www.foxnews.com/politics/pro-trump-rep-responds-cnn-pundit #FoxNews
@Bill_Binney @tedcruz @LouDobbs #unido #cheatos #tyranny #FreeSpeech #freeandfairelections #Congress #congressman
He added: "Also, it's Congressman to you."
#Donalds #foxnews #unido #cheatos #tyranny #freespeech #FreeAndFairElections #congress #Congressman
"RandPaul wants an explanation on WHY Trump's "defeat" happened in FOUR DATA DUMPS between 1:34 am & 6:31 am. We all know Trump won this election. If we don’t fight for truth here — we will FOREVER get evil by default. #FreeAndFairElections“@RandPaul