UK signs order to extradite #JulianAssange to US to face espionage charges
Cuando exponer un crimen se trata como cometer un delito ¡Estás siendo gobernado por criminales!
#FreeAsangeNOW #freeasange
Key witness in Assange case admits to lies in indictment.
A major witness in the United States’ Department of Justice case against Julian #Assange has admitted to fabricating key accusations in the indictment against the #Wikileaks founder.... #FreeAsangeNOW
#assange #wikileaks #FreeAsangeNOW
Key witness in Assange case admits to lies in indictment.
A major witness in the United States’ Department of Justice case against Julian #Assange has admitted to fabricating key accusations in the indictment against the #Wikileaks founder.... #FreeAsangeNOW
#assange #wikileaks #FreeAsangeNOW
"Seattle Privacy was founded with inspiration from Wikileaks. (We stole their motto.) One of our founders comments on the current US effort to lock away Julian Assange."
"Visiting Julian #Assange in the GDR"
#assange #FreeAsangeNOW #freeassange
It is now certain: the US have indeed decided to appeal Assange's non-extradition decision in first instance.
What comes next? The next steps explained:
Appeal will be the occasion for the US to 1/ have #Assange extradited (and face 175y in jail for "espionage) 2/ solidify in the UK jurisprudence this precedent affecting press-freedom worldwide: "if you publish confidential documents, we'll torture you wherever you are and throw you in jail forever"
Assange's extradition verdict:
"If he wasnt in such tragic health condition he should have been extradited for his journalism"
Victory for #Assange (awaiting for appeal), BIG DEFEAT for free speech, press freeedom and our right to information and communication.
Assange's extradition verdict:
"If he wasnt in such tragic health condition he should have been extradited for his journalism"
Victory for #Assange (awaiting for appeal), BIG DEFEAT for free speech, press freeedom and our right to information and communication.
Assange's extradition verdict:
"If he wasnt in such tragic health condition -in which he was pushed by brutal UK legal system, bail refusal, super-max detention, isolation, etc.-, he should have been extradited for his journalism"
A victory for #Assange (awaiting for appeal...) a big DEFEAT for free speech, press freeedom and our right to information and communication.