RT @thijsreuten: Morgen zit de Zweeds-Iraanse arts Dr. Djalali 7 jaar gevangen in Iran op grond van volkomen uit de lucht gegrepen spionage beschuldigingen.
Vandaag sprak ik met zijn vrouw die met indrukwekkende toewijding strijdt voor zijn vrijheid. #FreeDjalali 🙏🏼@AmnestyEU https://t.co/kOy96p9p6F
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/kvanbrempt/status/1651112686153760768
MEPs @Europarl_BE call for the release of the 25 Europeans imprisoned without reason in Iran, incl. #FreeOlivierVandecasteele #FreeDjalali.
Also strong call ahead of next #FAC @EUCouncil to add IRGC to the EU-terrorist list & for further targeted sanctions.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/hildevautmans/status/1616035834658000897
#freeoliviervandecasteele #FreeDjalali #FAC
Free Olivier Vandecasteele.
Free Ahmadreza Djalali.
The European Parliament calls for the immediate release of innocent European citizens imprisoned in #Iran.
#FreeOlivierVandecasteele #FreeDjalali
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/kvanbrempt/status/1616038088396124161
#iran #freeoliviervandecasteele #FreeDjalali
Important vote on the 🇮🇷resolution today #EPlenary. As the #Iranian regime is repressing its own people, the EU must send a firm response. Parliament wants extra sanctions, IRGC on EU’s terrorist list & calls for the release of EU-citizens, #FreeOlivierVandecasteele #FreeDjalali.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/hildevautmans/status/1615980771122069504
#EPlenary #Iranian #freeoliviervandecasteele #FreeDjalali
Europe stands up for freedom, democracy and human rights. Today, the EU Parliament takes a firm stance against the Iranian regime & calls for extra sanctions, the release of EU citizens and listing the #IRGC as a terrorist organisation. #FreeOlivierVandecasteele #FreeDjalali
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/kvanbrempt/status/1615987578414456832
#IRGC #freeoliviervandecasteele #FreeDjalali
Ahmadreza Djalali, an Iranian-Swedish academic, is currently in solitary confinement & at imminent risk of execution on trumped-up charges. Free Ahmadreza NOW!
@khamenei_ir@twitter.com @HassanRouhani@twitter.com @JZarif@twitter.com @UN@twitter.com @UNHumanRights@twitter.com @SecBlinken@twitter.com @POTUS@twitter.com @SwedishPM@twitter.com #FreeDjalali #اعدام_نکنید
RT @KristinHelene: Ahmadreza Djalali has now been imprisoned for 2295 days and there is still no sign of steps being taken to secure his immediate release.
#SaveAhmadreza's life
@SweMFA @SwedishPM @BelgiumMFA @europarl_en @SwedeninEU @BelgiumEU @eu_eeas
@AnnLinde @AmnestySverige
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MCampomenosi/status/1555951256983699457
RT @davidlega: #FreeDjalali: As the Noury trial verdict is expected in Sweden tomorrow, we are deeply worried about revenge actions: Iran may arrest or even execute Swedish or European citizens in Iran as revenge. ❗️There is a imminent risk that Ahmadreza Djalali will be executed ❗️ @EPPGroup
#FreeDjalali: As the Noury trial verdict is expected in Sweden tomorrow, we are deeply worried about revenge actions: Iran may arrest or even execute Swedish or European citizens in Iran as revenge. ❗️There is a imminent risk that Ahmadreza Djalali will be executed ❗️ @EPPGroup
We must continue to tirelessly fight for the liberation of Ahmedreza #Djalali! #FreeDjalali
RT @Free_Djalali: #Djalali risks execution every minute. His health is deteriorating, mentally and physically. He is being kept hostage, efforts must continue to save Ahmadreza Djalali! #FreeDjalali #SaveAhmadreza
#Djalali #FreeDjalali #SaveAhmadreza
Djalali verrà impiccato. È straziante apprendere che la condanna a morte del ricercatore svedese è stata confermata. Mi appello ancora una volta alle autorità iraniane e all’Ambasciatore presso l’UE Dehghani, a cui ho scritto nei giorni scorsi: liberatelo. #FreeDjalali
RT @EPPGroup: Iran threatens to execute scholar Dr. Ahmadreza Djalali who was sentenced to death on spurious espionage charges in 2017.
The EU must do everything to save him. We call on @JosepBorrellF to act now.
Iran threatens to execute scholar Dr. Ahmadreza Djalali who was sentenced to death on spurious espionage charges in 2017.
The EU must do everything to save him. We call on @JosepBorrellF to act now.
RT @EPPGroup: Iran threatens to execute scholar Dr. Ahmadreza Djalali who was sentenced to death on spurious espionage charges in 2017.
The EU must do everything to save him. We call on @JosepBorrellF to act now.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/danutahuebner/status/1528444798688018433
Iran threatens to execute scholar Dr. Ahmadreza Djalali who was sentenced to death on spurious espionage charges in 2017.
The EU must do everything to save him. We call on @JosepBorrellF to act now.
Ho scritto all’Ambasciatore iraniano in UE Dehghani chiedendogli di fermare l’esecuzione del medico svedese Ahmadreza Djalali. Dal 2016 vive in condizioni disumane, in violazione dei diritti umani e del diritto internazionale. Facciamo in fretta. #freedjalali
RT @KristinHelene: Op vraag van de @EPPGroup een duidelijke boodschap aan het begin van de #EPlenary door Roberta Metsola @EP_President, voorzitter Europees Parlement om onmiddellijk @VUBrussel-gastdocent Ahmadreza Djalali's doodstraf op te heffen.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/tomvdkendelaere/status/1526974774165000193
#EPlenary #SaveAhmadreza #FreeDjalali
RT @EPPGroup: “Iran’s plans to execute the Swedish citizen Dr. Ahmadreza Djalali show the real face of the barbaric regime," says @davidlega MEP.
The death penalty is unacceptable under any circumstances.
On the request of the @EPPGroup, the @EP_President will at the opening of the plenary session address the case of the EU citizen Dr. Djalali who is facing execution in #Iran in the near future. Thank you @RobertaMetsola for raising this urgent matter! #EPlenary #FreeDjalali
RT @EPPGroup: Iran threatens to execute scholar Dr. Ahmadreza Djalali who was sentenced to death on spurious espionage charges in 2017.
The EU must do everythi…
RT @EPPGroup: We call on the Iranian authorities for the immediate and unconditional release of Dr. Ahmadreza Djalali.
"Further targeted sanctions should be unavoidable if the Iranian authorities do not free Dr. Ahmadreza Djalali," warns @davidlega MEP.