RT @IlhamTohtiInit1: @MiriamMLex We appreciate your @MiriamMLex firm stand on China and hope there will be more support for a new China policy, based on as you say strengthening the EU‘s competetiveness, political&economic independence, protect our freedom&Democracy and defend the human rights. #FreeIlhamTohti
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MiriamMLex/status/1642191267357392899
RT @CUyghurs: Today marks the 9th year of the illegal incarceration & detention of #Uyghur scholar & intellectual @Ilham_Tohti by the #Chinese regime.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ilhankyuchyuk/status/1614736630513913856
#Uyghur #chinese #FreeIlhamTohti