There is an alternative timeline, a split in the continuem, where people care a bit more about Ex-US-President #Trump. In that alternate universe that doesn't exist, it has a lot to do with his pardoning of #JulianAssange.
Shame our reality didn't get that experience.
The day Assange was locked up without charge, #Jan6.
#trump #julianassange #jan6 #FreeJulianAssange #freeassangenow
Biden to declare WSJ reporter arrested in Russia as wrongfully detained. To defend freedom of the press, he should do so. He should also declare Julian Assange wrongfully detained and drop all attempts to prosecute him in the United States.
#FreedomOfThePress #Russia #FreeJulianAssange
#freedomofthepress #russia #FreeJulianAssange
Rashida Tlaib circulating letter in Congress on the threat to freedom of the press from the prosecution of Julian Assange.
#FreeJulianAssange #FreedomOfThePress
#FreeJulianAssange #freedomofthepress
While not the ideal candidate, Marianne Williamson is far better than Biden, from supporting universal health care to ending attempts to prosecute Julian Assange. If RFK Jr. enters the race as rumored, her history of medical woo will be trivial by comparison to his anti-vax history.
#politics #MedicareForAll #FreeJulianAssange
Julian Assange was a hero to Democrats when he exposed war crimes under George Bush. When he later exposed the corruption seen in Democratic Party emails, including how the DNC rigged the 2016 nomination for Hillary Clinton, many Democrats abandoned support for freedom of the press and went along with Donald Trump's decision to prosecute Assange. Harper's has an extensive look at Assange in this month's issue.
#freedomofthepress #civilliberties #FreeJulianAssange
#FreeJulianAssange rally with Pink Floyd founder Roger Waters, Ben & Jerry's founder Ben Cohen, The Grayzone founder Max Blumenthal, eco-hero Steven Donziger, and WBAI broadcaster Katie Halper at the British Consulate, NYC
#Libri per cambiare il mondo. Vol.1
#IIPotereSegreto #JulianAssange #Wikileaks
#FreeJulianAssange #StefaniaMaurizi
#Democrazia #DavidGraeber #elèuthera
#elèuthera #davidgraeber #democrazia #CriticaallaDemocraziaOccidentale #chiarelettere #StefaniaMaurizi #FreeJulianAssange #Wikileaks #JulianAssange #IIPotereSegreto #libri
A hashtag post to help people coming from Twitter find me:
#CovidIsNotOver #WearAMask #MaskUp #BetterMasks #BringBackMasks #CovidIsAirborne #CleanTheAir #CovidMitigations #CovidPrecautions #COVID #COVID19 #LongCovid #SARSCoV2
#CovidIsNotOver #WearAMask #MaskUp #BetterMasks #BringBackMasks #COVIDisAirborne #CleanTheAir #covidmitigations #covidprecautions #COVID #COVID19 #LongCovid #SarsCoV2 #medtwitter #MedicareForAll #Jeopardy #FreeJulianAssange #pardonjulianassange #PardonEdwardSnowden #SciFi
#Annalena_Baerbock #olafscholz könnten beim #G7 was machen — Du kannst hier was machen:
#pressefreiheit #FreeJulianAssange @amnesty_digital_de @amnestyjugend
#Annalena_Baerbock #olafscholz #g7 #pressefreiheit #FreeJulianAssange
🚨 Rischio di 175 anni di carcere non per i criminali di guerra #USA in #Afganistan e #Iraq , ma per chi li ha denunciati. #freejulianassange
Per i crimini di guerra commessi dalle forze statunitensi in Afghanistan e in Iraq nessuno è stato portato davanti alla giustizia. Chi ha rivelato quei crimini invece sta pagando un prezzo altissimo.
#FreeJulianAssange #Iraq #Afganistan #usa
I Am Julian Assange
“I am #JulianAssange because I could be next, and you could too. Do you want your #government telling #journalists anywhere in the #world what they can and can’t #publish?”
#OliverStone #quote
#freejulianassange #pressfreedom #freepress #wikileaks #journalism #truth #censorship #dropthecharges #weareallassange #freeassange
#FreeAssange #weareallassange #dropthecharges #censorship #truth #journalism #Wikileaks #FreePress #PressFreedom #FreeJulianAssange #quote #oliverstone #publish #world #journalists #government #JulianAssange
FYI #JulanAssange is still in #BelmarshPrison, UK. Maybe if he were free and doing his actual work, the current mess would not be happening.
#freeJulianAssange #freeAssangeNow #journalism #freeJournalism #Uk
#JulanAssange #BelmarshPrison #FreeJulianAssange #freeassangenow #journalism #freeJournalism #uk
The UK justice system is a joke, the political system is a joke, the whole country is a punchline but the USA may be even worse.
Unbelievable that we've decided political extradition is okay now.
Journalism isn't a crime.
Heute wird #Julian #Assange 50 Jahre alt. Er sitzt immer noch in #Folterhaft.
Eine parteiübergreifende Gruppe von Parlamentariern fordert - zum wiederholten Mal - ein Ende der Verfolgung.
#Julian #assange #Folterhaft #freejulian #FreeJulianAssange #wikileaks
Hi #ScottMorrison, how about you do something popular now, like say, "its about time the persecution of #JulianAssange ended".
You would be a hypocrite to talk about the persection of #journalists in one country, without ending the persecution of our own, in another.
Or are there #peePeeTapes of you own that prevent you from doing so?
#EndThePerSercoTion #FreeJournalistAssange #FreeJulianAssange
#scottmorrison #julianassange #journalists #peePeeTapes #EndThePerSercoTion #FreeJournalistAssange #FreeJulianAssange
Sunday is a time to ask whether we are doing enough to protest #JulianAssange's torture as a #politicalPrisoner. His crime was being a good #journalist, protecting his sources and exposing truths we needed to see.
If we are not doing enough, as evidenced by his continued persecution, how can we #protest more effectively?
#julianassange #politicalprisoner #journalist #protest #FreeJulianAssange #StopMilitarism
«Il Congresso non promulgherà leggi per il riconoscimento ufficiale di una religione, o che ne proibiscano la libera professione; o che limitino la libertà di parola, o della stampa; o il diritto delle persone di riunirsi pacificamente in assemblea e di fare petizioni al governo per la riparazione dei torti.»
#FreeJulianAssange #weareallassange