Try something new:
#ForbiddenLands fantasy survival, classic setting with spicy twists in the lore, stunning dice mechanic that's easy to use but enabling a lot of tactical depth.
#DragonBane classic hero fantasy, the "swedish dnd". #FreeLeague took the experience from all their past games and poured it into the dice mechanic, it's a blast to play.
Both have free starter kits on #drivethruRPG so you take no risk looking into it.
No, I'm not paid to say all that.
#forbiddenlands #dragonbane #FreeLeague #DriveThruRPG
Beyond the shadow it waits for you still…
Moria™ – Through the Doors of Durin for The One Ring™ RPG Live on Kickstarter!
Cross the dread threshold, adventurer, and delve deep! Explore the epic campaign module delving into the depths of Khazad-dûm, for The One Ring™ RPG and The Lord of the Rings™ Roleplaying (5E). ⚔️
#ttrpg #rpg #tor #5e #tlotr #ks #FreeLeague
What's this, a Moria expansion for The One Ring 2E? A sexy looking collector's edition and a cloth map of Khazad-dûm?
Don't mind if I do....
#TOR #TheOneRing #Moria #LordOfTheRings #TTRPG #Kickstarter #FreeLeague
#tor #theonering #moria #lordoftherings #ttrpg #kickstarter #FreeLeague
/27 All of this so I could get to 27. Game I'd like a new edition of : CORIOLIS! Omg Coriolis. I love Free League, I do, but let's put the film and tv properties down for a minute and focus a little on the GAME THAT NAMED THE COMPANY! I'll settle for source books. Mercy Of The Icons is AMAZING as a campaign, but how do games that have been out less than a year have more source books than one that's been there for nearly 8?! . *And breathe*
#rpgaday #Coriolis #FreeLeague #ttrpg
#RPGaDay2023 Q23:
COOLEST looking RPG product / book
Torn between the Blade Runner RPG from Free League and the 2d20 version of Achtung! Cthulhu from Modiphius
#FreeLeague #Modiphius #BladeRunner #BladeRunnerRPG #AchtungCthulhu
#rpgaday2023 #FreeLeague #Modiphius #bladerunner #BladeRunnerRPG #achtungcthulhu
/24 Complex/Simple RPG I play?
Hmm. For complexity, I would probably go with Pathfinder 1e which i no longer really play. It was never as complex as the bad press 5e players tend to give it, but it was *dense*. Absolute blast to play though.
For simple, I think anything Mutant Year Zero by Free League. So that's Vaesen, Coriolis, AlientRPG and the eponymous Mutant: Year Zero. My personal favourite right now is Coriolis though
#pathfinder #rpgaday #coriolisrpg #FreeLeague
/23 Coolest looking RPG book or product? EEsh. Tough one. I will always have a lot of love in my darkened heart for the art and layout in Delta Green. The oil on canvase artwork from Dennis Detwiller, the operational excerpts as subjective lore. All amazing. But, I am going to go obliquely RPG adjacent and say The Baranger Call of Cthulhu & At the Mountains of Madness art books published by #FreeLeague
IMT are back Saturday 9pm BST on Twitch with the continuation of the requested Twilight:2000 campaign - The Road to Redemption
#FreeLeague #author #streaming #ttrpg #promo #Twilight
#FreeLeague #author #streaming #ttrpg #promo #twilight
23) Coolest looking #TTRPG book
That has to go to Mörk Borg, hands down. The aggressive graphic design plays as big a part in establishing the game's themes and intended play-style as the words themselves. And if you only look at the rules divorced from the graphic design, it's still an excellent game!
#ttrpg #rpgaday2023 #MorkBorg #osr #FreeLeague
I just bought this today.
#Vaesen #FreeLeague #TTRPG #RPG #HorrorRPG #Scandinavia #19thCentury #JohanEgerkrans
#Vaesen #FreeLeague #ttrpg #rpg #horrorrpg #scandinavia #19thcentury #johanegerkrans
My review of #Symbaroum, by #FreeLeague, is premiering at Noon, Eastern US time, today! #TTRPG
@jackomono #AlienRPG von #FreeLeague kann echt was. Ich fand den cinematic Mode oder wie das heißt richtig gut und ich fremdel eigentlich echt mit dem #YearZero Engine. #Mothership finde ich für das Working Class-Leute-werden-im-(Halleffekt ein)-WELTRAUM-mit-Survival Horror-und-Corporate Goons-konfrontiert noch einmal viel-viel besser. Der Alien Kanon ist mir zu ausgelatsch und dann ist da der Prometheus-Schrott
#AlienRPG #FreeLeague #YearZero #mothership
ça fait un moment que j'ai envie de m'essayer au moteur #YearZeroEngine 🎲.
Je me dit que ce livret de découverte déniché pour moins de 10€ chez mon dealer préféré est une bonne occasion de le faire 🙂
#YZE #FreeLeague #jdr #yearzeroengine
/19 Fav published adventure. Impossible Landscapes, Delta Green. Not even close. I am running this for 3 groups and none of them are going even slightly similar ways. It's like one of those plays that changes depending on which thread you follow. Difficult to run but incredibly good. Honorable mention to Free League for Mercy of the Icons (Coriolis) and Throne of Thorns (Symbaroum) for sheer adventure scope, impact and beautiful books.
#rpgaday #deltagreen #FreeLeague #coriolisrpg #symbaroum
/18 well I hate to continue to bang the drum of Delta Green, but that implementation of the Basic Roleplay System is the best. Tweaks like the 'assumption of competence' - certain degrees of proficiency give guaranteed success on certain tasks. The Bonds mechanic just makes for great rp and character creation. Honorable mention to Forged in The Dark for innovation and Free League's Mutant Year Zero engine for customizability. #RPGaDay #DeltaGreen #TTRPG #FreeLeague
#rpgaday #deltagreen #ttrpg #FreeLeague
Zu Frage 16 des #RPGaDAY2023.
Welches System würde ich gerne besitzen?
Im Moment fällt mir #BeyondTheWall ein, von #SystemMatters.
#EclipsePhase auf Deutsch. Ich tue mich echt schwer mit Englisch Sprachigen RPG Systemen.
#TheWitcher und #CyperPunkRed beides bei #TruantSpiele erhältlich.
#DragonBane von #FreeLeague interessiert mich auch noch.
Davon mal ab, das ich das Geld nicht habe, brauche ich diese auch nicht. Hab schon genug ungespielte Spiele zu Hause.
#rpgaday2023 #beyondthewall #systemmatters #eclipsephase #thewitcher #cyperpunkred #truantspiele #Dragonbane #FreeLeague #ttrpg #rpgaday #pnpde #pnp
I’ve been planning/reading/preparing for an Achtung! Cthulhu campaign for a while now. It’s a slow process (for me).
I just got my #Dragonbane bundle recently and I thought I’d run that “in the mean time” since there is a #FoundryVTT core set and also the full campaign (basically no prep). A single day and I feel ready to run a full campaign… Great system, looks like a ton of fun! Well done #FreeLeague!
#DragonBane #foundryvtt #FreeLeague
As part of running games at GenCon this year, my players were asked to fill out a report card for me to tell me how I did. One player noted that I'm "Easily, the best GM I've had."
Talk about an ego boost.
#ttrpg #GenCon #DragonBane #FreeLeague #gamemaster
I just received the Dragonbane kickstarter from
@freeleaguepub . The material is really beautiful! Look at the size of the cloth map!
#ttrpg #jdr #dragonbane #freeleague
#ttrpg #jdr #DragonBane #FreeLeague