Karl Voit :emacs: :orgmode: · @publicvoit
1859 followers · 13516 posts · Server graz.social

is stopping (for Twitter Blue customers) in favor of and

Most probably, the cost of text messages is the reason at hand.

In terms of security, this is actually a very good idea. Text messages do have their security issues. Please switch to a FIDO2 USB device as soon as possible. Only this method protects you from attacks. Well invested ~25€.

But even the less secure TOTP (authentication apps like ) is better than SMS.

#twitter #SMS #2fa #totp #fido2 #phishing #FreeOTP

Last updated 2 years ago

André · @asltf
334 followers · 417 posts · Server toot.bike

@admin You can't register a FIDO key unless you have a working TOTP device (, + ..) registered

#GoogleAuthenticator #MicrosoftAuthenticator #FreeOTP

Last updated 2 years ago

Tim Böttcher · @Tim_Boettcher
145 followers · 412 posts · Server ioc.exchange

- curse or blessing? Both!

I recently activated for my account. It's not complicated and with you can even avoid products.

Unfortunately, it requires scanning a QR code, which is not trivial if you're .

There certainly are apps that are extraordinarily good at processing QR codes, even if you don't scan them perfectly - but typically, extracting the data contained in QR codes isn't as helpful as it sounds.

#qrcodes #2fa #mastodon #FreeOTP #google #blind

Last updated 2 years ago