RT @georgrestle: Erdogan bleibt. Keine guten Aussichten. Insbesondere nicht für all diejenigen, die in der Türkei in Gefängnissen sitzen, weil sie sich gegen seine Autokratie mit friedlichen Mitteln aufgelehnt haben. #FreeOsmanKavala
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/JanAlbrecht/status/1662891237202853888
Heute ist dann für unseren Freund Osman Kavala der Tag 2001 hinter Gittern.
Ihm und sehr vielen anderen Menschen wird in türkischen Gefängnissen schreckliches Unrecht angetan.
RT @mlsaturkey: Today marks the 2000th day in prison for human rights defender #OsmanKavala who was arrested on 1 November 2017.
The judgment of the European Court of Human Rights which became final on 11 May 2020, is still pending implementation.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/RebHarms/status/1650479571731447808
#FreeOsmanKavala #FreeThemAll #OsmanKavala #FreeOs
Und heute sind es schon 1905 Tage, die #OsmanKavala unschuldig eingekerkert ist.
Die Welt weiß davon. Auch #SelahattinDemirtas,der erfolgreiche Vorsitzende der @HDP, ist seit Jahren einfach weggesperrt. So wie Tausende anderer.
Das ist Terror.
RT @FreeOsmanKavala: #OsmanKavala 1903 GÜNDÜR tutuklu!
#OsmanKavala has been behind bars for 1903 DAYS!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/RebHarms/status/1615802830002216960
#OsmanKavala #SelahattinDemirtas #FreeOsmanKavala #OsmanKavalayaÖzgürlük #kabuletmiyoruz #WeReject
RT @amberinzaman: The fate of Osman Kavala matters – POLITICO #freeosmankavala https://www.politico.eu/article/human-rights-the-fate-of-osman-kavala-matters-europen-court-echr-turkey/
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/KatiPiri/status/1609927362493222913
While the world is paying attention to unjust imprisonments in #Turkey: #FreeOsmanKavala #freeimamoğlu
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MarietjeSchaake/status/1603112976680386560
#Turkey #FreeOsmanKavala #freeimamoğlu
A travesty in #Turkey: the Gezi Park trials #FreeOsmanKavala ↘️ https://www.theguardian.com/news/audio/2022/may/23/a-travesty-in-turkey-the-gezi-park-trials
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MarietjeSchaake/status/1528705398550712322
Erdogans repression of innocent journalists and political prisoners continues. #OsmanKavala #FreeOsmankavala #Turkey
RT @crdefenders: We are saddened and shocked by news from #Turkey, where #OsmanKavala has been sentenced to life imprisonment without parole. Seven other defendants were sentenced to 18 years in prison. We denounce the decision of the Turkish court and demand justice for the activists.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/AnnaMariaCB/status/1520728083124400128
#OsmanKavala #FreeOsmanKavala #Turkey
What a shameful and revealing veto by Orban’s Hungary. The dictator’s ally inside the tent #FreeOsmanKavala ↘️
RT @grimmse: 26 EU member states agreed yesterday to issue a common EU statement condemning the life sentence for Turkish philanthropist #OsmanKavala. One objected: #Hungary. So there's no common EU statement. Keep in mind Kavala is close to George Soros, Viktor Orbán's bête noire.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MarietjeSchaake/status/1519355022030561280
#FreeOsmanKavala #OsmanKavala #hungary
RT @TheProgressives: We strongly condemn the Turkish court’s life sentence for Osman Kavala.
Turkey must comply with rulings from the European Court of Human Rights & immediately release him.
Until this happens, there is little to no EU prospect for Ankara.
We strongly condemn the Turkish court’s life sentence for Osman Kavala.
Turkey must comply with rulings from the European Court of Human Rights & immediately release him.
Until this happens, there is little to no EU prospect for Ankara.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/TheProgressives/status/1518862929172606978
RT @TheProgressives: We strongly condemn the Turkish court’s life sentence for Osman Kavala.
Turkey must comply with rulings from the European Court of Human Rights & immediately release him.
Until this happens, there is little to no EU prospect for Ankara.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MMunizdeurquiza/status/1518898974450663425
RT @TheProgressives: We strongly condemn the Turkish court’s life sentence for Osman Kavala.
Turkey must comply with rulings from the European Court of Human Rights & immediately release him.
Until this happens, there is little to no EU prospect for Ankara.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/karstenlucke/status/1518896056179863552
RT @whatdidkavalado: #OsmanKavala is sentenced to aggravated life imprisonment for “attempting to overthrow the government”. #WeObject to this decision that came after 4.5 years of unlawful detention and injustice. #İtirazEdiyoruz #FreeOsmanKavala
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/cem_oezdemir/status/1518810177956368389
#OsmanKavala #WeObject #İtirazEdiyoruz #FreeOsmanKavala
Freilassen! Sofort!#FreeOsmanKavala
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/HelgaTruepel/status/1518844662408175616
Bestraft werden seine Weltläufigkeit, Menschlichkeit, Klugheit, Freundlichkeit, Ehrlichkeit und seine große Liebe zur Welt und den Menschen.
Ein Urteil gegen Europa. Durchgezogen von Erdogans Justiz im Schatten des Russischen Krieges.
RT @SZ_Politik: Der Kulturmäzen wird für schuldig befunden, die Gezi-Proteste 2013 finanziert zu haben. Er bestreitet dies. Das Urteil gilt als schwerer Rückschla…
#FreeOsmanKavala #GeziyiSavunuyoruz
How much devastating injustice does one person have to endure? This is a nightmare. Turkish court gives philanthropist Kavala life in prison. #FreeOsmanKavala ↘️ https://apnews.com/article/europe-middle-east-turkey-istanbul-3f313d7bddd8622e8d9f5a16ca1d5701
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MarietjeSchaake/status/1518663936845000704
RT @marc_o_berthold: Was für ein absoluter Wahnsinn! Höllennachricht. Unsere volle Solidarität mit #OsmanKavala und seiner Familie! #FreeOsmanKavala
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/JanAlbrecht/status/1518673372422496258
Danke für Deine Stärke #OsmanKavala, die du nach all den Jahren Haft in Erdogans Kerkern aufbringst, um der Öffentlichkeit die Wahrheit zu sagen. Wir werden weiterhin Deine Stimme in der Welt sein.
RT @mlsaturkey: #OsmanKavala: It is an irreparable loss for me to have spent 4.5 years of my life in prison. The possibility that the things I have been put through might lead to a better understanding o…
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/cem_oezdemir/status/1517493499951828993
#OsmanKavala #FreeOsmanKavala #FreeThemAll