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Today we honor all people who suffered either directly or indirectly on September 11 when our nation was viciously attacked without provocation by terrorists. We must never allow again domestic & foreign enemies of democracy to attempt to steal our liberties!

Michael Murphy, Publisher, News


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Free Peoples Free Press · @freepeoplesfreepress
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Today we honor all people who suffered either directly or indirectly on September 11 when our nation was viciously attacked without provocative by terrorists. We must never allow again domestic & foreign enemies of democracy to attempt to steal our liberties!

Michael Murphy, Publisher, News


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Free Peoples Free Press · @freepeoplesfreepress
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Monday, September 4, 2023

Free Peoples Free Press is owned and operated by
Free Press Without Borders News

Investigative News Journalists who covers and reports on a wide range of diverse domestic and worldwide news stories of public interests including economics, human interest stories, politics, religion, science. Analysis and News Opinion Commentaries of Highly Controversial Subject Matters.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect and represent the views or positions of News Sites

Michael Murphy, Publisher, Free Peoples Free Press News

Monica Andrews, Appointed Editor-in-chief, Free Peoples Free Press

Katherine Tate, Appointed Managing Editor, Free Peoples Free Press News



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Free Peoples Free Press · @freepeoplesfreepress
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In response to "I'm surprised that so many people don't know this."


Dear Low Quality Facts: Pears and Apples are truly related to each other, so again you are correct. So I am beginning to suspect that you are providing us with High Quality Facts.

Sincerely, Monica Andrews, Editor-in-chief, News

How closely are pears and apples related?

Apples and pears evolved from a common ancestor around 35-50 million years ago, about 20 million years after this ancestor diverged from other fruits in the same family, such as strawberries and peaches.


Last updated 1 year ago

Free Peoples Free Press · @freepeoplesfreepress
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Dear Dr. Freemo: I understand the personal block, which everyone can do, we cannot because we represent a larger structure. I was not actually addressing directly your specific circumstances with the account holder user in question, I was really addressing people who utilize account blocking to attempt to put a chill on freedom of speech & freedom of the press.

If we block an account we are going against our basic principles of freedom of speech, we often are asked did you block or mute us. We just feel that people on social media platforms need to allow unfavorable negative speech that is not unlawful and illegal in nature. If I personally do not agree with you and I have a personal social media account, I still will not block you. I am arguing the point that you are operating solely as a private individual and not The QOTO org Administrator/moderator.

Sincerely, Monica Andrews, Editor-in-chief, News on

#FreePeoplesfreepress #qoto

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Free Peoples Free Press · @freepeoplesfreepress
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Dear Dr. Freemo: I am only addressing the issues associated with blocking people, fortunately News and News will never block anyone who we do not agree with. We believe that blocking another account conveys the wrong message, to us it is a direct attack against freedom of speech & freedom of the press.

Sincerely, Monica Andrews, Interim Acting Editor-in-chief, News

Sincerely, Sarah Strickland, Managing Editor, News

Sincerely, Monica Andrews, Editor-in-chief, News

Sincerely, Katherine Tate, Managing Editor,


#freepresswithoutborders #FreePeoplesfreepress

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Free Peoples Free Press · @freepeoplesfreepress
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@adamwarvergeben @TruthSandwich @lowqualityfacts @postillon24

I get the gist of what you are saying, yes we need comedy, Low Quality Facts and Truth Sandwich do engage in comedy, they periodically get serious people like myself who unintentionally spoil the fun. I am glad Adam that you like comedy, please keep in mind that some sites just might be perceived in a negative way due to the subject matter content.

I feel that we need to provide good wholesome comedy, stay away from trashy media content, regardless of where the media content comes from. We in the press are totally opposed to censorship, most of us still want to be highly selective about what we personally view.

Adam I am not against good satire, I do not think that Low Quality Facts and Truth Sandwich are against true good quality comedy.

Sincerely, Monica Andrews, Editor-in-chief, News


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Free Peoples Free Press · @freepeoplesfreepress
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Dear Truth Sandwich: It actually was good that you answered their question because now the ball is in their court, the onus is now on them to respond.You demonstrate integrity by answering their question, so yes it was still a worthwhile communication.

Sincerely, Monica Andrews, Editor-in-chief, News


Last updated 1 year ago

Free Peoples Free Press · @freepeoplesfreepress
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Dear Low Quality Facts: You are 100% correct on eggs being able to support static resting weight of human beings. So this would be classified as a High Quality Fact, thank you for stimulating our minds!

Sincerely, Monica Andrews, Editor-in-chief, News

Harvard Natural Sciences Lecture Demonstrations

Egg Shell Strength
What it shows:
Eggs have a reputation for being quite strong under compressional loads. You won't believe your eyes when you see how strong they actually are — an egg can support a person!



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Free Peoples Free Press · @freepeoplesfreepress
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Dear Alfredo_liberal at Universeodon Com: Yes "Women have a right to make their own choices," reproductive rights should be honored for both sexes; simply because not all men want children to raise, compulsory right to life also enslaves men, I myself believe that there are times when abortions are necessary to protect the health of the mother. I really do not favor abortions in general, but I do not want the state to decide what is best for society. I am pro-life for women as well as the unborn, society should not arbitrarily decide a woman's fate or the unborn child's fate. If this would end up being the case, the United States Constitution ceases to be enforce and becomes inoperative.

Sincerely, Monica Andrews, Editor-in-chief, News

#uspolitics #ReproductiveFreedom #FreePeoplesfreepress #ohio

Last updated 1 year ago

Free Peoples Free Press · @freepeoplesfreepress
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Dear Dr. Freemo: This is hard for me to say because I do not know the right words to express sorrow. I am just so truly sorry for your personal loss, I just want you to know that I do feel sad, I do deeply care about you.

Sincerely, Monica Andrews, Editor-in-chief, News


Last updated 1 year ago

Free Peoples Free Press · @freepeoplesfreepress
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I was able to decipher exactly what "meow" really means: Meow is exactly 2 specific separate words that have been merged together.

Answer: 1. Me is the cat's own self identity.

Answer: 2. Ow is a threat to any person who will not immediately obey the cat's demands.


Sincerely, Katherine Tate, Managing Editor, News

#caturday #codebreaking #qoto #cats #FreePeoplesfreepress

Last updated 1 year ago

Free Peoples Free Press · @freepeoplesfreepress
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@freemo I believe that we need to have a national conversation on restoring U.S.A. economic power; the dog fight between business and labor is non productive. We again need to become innovative, we possess everything we need to succeed, we seem to lack the will to recapture our success after World War II. My opinion is both parties had dropped the ball, let other countries become more technologically savvy than the U.S.. We are now starting to pay for our failure to economically uplift the average citizen. Without the will of the people to be willing to endure hardships and prevail we are a hollow nation of words!


Sincerely, Katherine Tate, Managing Editor, News

#economics #philosophy #qoto #news #FreePeoplesfreepress #unions

Last updated 1 year ago

Free Peoples Free Press · @freepeoplesfreepress
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@freemo Yes but, how will we accomplish this if we cannot build a proper political consensus, we need businesses and labor to work in unison or our country will probably deteriorate into a third world economy. Extreme unregulated capitalism can drag down and eventually destroy our nations similar to that of communism. Major point that I emphasize, is that American Citizens have had it too easy, we have lost our survival skills, we will soon find ourselves creating an underclass of people who no longer have the work ethic. Because the politicians failed to mind the store and big business in the end ultimately sabotaged our economy.

Sincerely, Katherine Tate, Managing Editor, News

#unions #economics #qoto #news #FreePeoplesfreepress

Last updated 1 year ago

Free Peoples Free Press · @freepeoplesfreepress
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@freemo Half of what you say is true in a perfect non corrupt world, labor unions sprung into life because businesses in general had a stranglehold on local and state political apparatuses. Labor union organizers had been run out of local municipalities in droves and there had been a lot of blood shed on both sides. We cannot rewrite history to deny what had occurred in violent attempts by businesses to destroy the right workers to engage in peaceful collective bargaining, which in itself is capitalism nor should we attempt to rewrite history and deny that the holocaust ever happened! There are no guarantees that businesses will voluntarily honor anti-trust laws if labor unions cease to exist.

Sincerely, Katherine Tate, Managing Editor, News

#economics #unions #qoto #news #FreePeoplesfreepress

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Free Peoples Free Press · @freepeoplesfreepress
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@trinsec @freemo @jimvernon

I agree with you trinsec, human beings will not want machines running the world and we are already over taxing our natural resources now. Even if robots build other robots and travel through space and bring back major natural resources to replenish our own drying planet earth’s resources, this is still going to lead to massive unemployment, people around the world will experience massive unemployment whether they are blue collar or white collar workers.

Sincerely, Katherine Tate, Managing Editor, News

#economics #unions #qoto #news #FreePeoplesfreepress

Last updated 1 year ago

Free Peoples Free Press · @freepeoplesfreepress
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Do not confuse anti-trust laws that are designed to deter monopolies with statutory worker protection laws, they are much distant from each other in functions and intentions; ant-trust laws protect general consumers who are both rich and poor. Statutory worker protection laws mostly are geared to protect blue collar workers and lower level white collar workers.


Sincerely, Katherine Tate, Managing Editor, News

#qoto #news #FreePeoplesfreepress #economics #unions

Last updated 1 year ago

Free Peoples Free Press · @freepeoplesfreepress
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Anti-trust laws really do not protect workers from being exploited by big and small business establishments. Unions came into existence largely due to the failure of local, state, federal government elected and appointed officials to reign in business in general. Anti-trust laws are designed to protect the consumer from unfair market pricing due to monopolies that control the price of goods and services. Reduces rigging of market prices and promotes free trade within a capital system.

Big business continues to hammer away at anti-trust laws, this is not going to stop with the total elimination of labor unions. This is only going to get much worse if unions no longer exist.

Big business will continue to financially exploit workers whether we enforce anti-trust laws or not. Labor union collective bargaining came into existence because big and small businesses work men, women, and children long hours, would not provide basic health and safety on job sites.

Neither businesses nor labor unions are justified in being involved in misconduct; we cannot and should not over rationalize that either businesses or labor unions are the proximate cause of past, present, and future economic failures. Because, say for the sake of argument that businesses and labor unions completely and fully worked together in harmony, U.S.A. still would suffer from natural economic financial crises due to an imbalance in supply and demand of goods and services, which is cycle in nature.

Sincerely, Katherine Tate, Managing Editor, News

#news #FreePeoplesfreepress #economics #antitrust #qoto

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Free Peoples Free Press · @freepeoplesfreepress
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There has always been the danger of unions creating their own massive power structures beyond organized crime. Unions are still needed due to failure by United States Federal Authorities to reign in big business. If we get rid of unions, collective bargaining creases to exist and big business grows even more stronger. U.S. elected politicians have already weakened anti-trust laws, so if we weaken or totally eliminate unions big business will continue lobbying efforts to do away with anti-trust laws and labor unions. There is no easy answer to this problem, U.S. history proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that big business cannot be trusted. U.S. history also proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that organized crime has in the past infiltrated labor unions.

So there has always been dishonestly within U.S. private business on both sides of the equation.

Sincerely, Katherine Tate, Managing Editor, News

#qoto #news #FreePeoplesfreepress #economics #unions

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Free Peoples Free Press · @freepeoplesfreepress
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My Thoughts On Life's Wondrous Journeys & Adventures

To me, this is the most important quote, because this quote hits the very meaning and essence of all life's past, present and future challenges that all humans have faced and will continue to face in their struggles to survive and become victorious over life's hardships.

"Life is never made unbearable by circumstances, but only by lack of meaning and purpose" - Viktor E. Frankl

Viktor Emil Frankl was an Austrian psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor, who founded logotherapy, a school of psychotherapy that describes a search for a life's meaning as the central human motivational force. Logotherapy is part of existential and humanistic psychology theories.  Wikipedia

Sincerely, Katherine Tate, Managing Editor, News


Last updated 1 year ago