@ScottLucas $200+ billion Putin doesn't have the slightest sense of humor.

#StandWithUkraine #FreeRussia #PutinsWar #warofaggression

Last updated 2 years ago

@GottaLaff πŸ€” If only the Reapers had a self-destruction mechanism in place in the right moment... or anti-aircraft ammunition.

#StandWithUkraine #standwithhumanity #FreeRussia #fuckputin #PutinsWar #putintribunal #warofaggression

Last updated 2 years ago

@micahflee Same! Highly recommended to watch - it's great.

Telling a lot about the dumb-brazen operation to kill Putin-critic Alexey Navalny.

#StandWithUkraine #standwithfreedom #FreeRussia #FreeNavalny #fuckputin

Last updated 2 years ago

@nicholasr How did Xi & his empire get f**king rich?

Not because trade with Russia & India was so profitable, but because the free western world bought & is still buying all of China's stuff, and voluntarily handed them the necessary knowhow to start copying western products & selling them to the west at dirt cheap prices, no matter the conditions under which products are made in Xi's empire, like slave labor in Chinese concentration camps & prisons.
So Xi's walking on a pretty unsafe tight rope, when cozying up to aggressor Putin while at the same time greedily peering hard at Chinese exports to the free western world.

#standwithfreedom #standwithhumanity #StandWithUkraine #unitednations #us #eu #xiputin #unholyalliance #PutinsWar #warofaggression #warcrimes #crimesagainstpeace #crimesagainsthumanity #FreeRussia #putintribunal

Last updated 2 years ago

@CP @JaneETowle Yes! And at the end of the day those dark-money conspirators are attempting to weaken America, serving Kremlin mob boss Putin.

They chose the damn wrong side, for money.

#DefendAmerica #defendtheconstitution #defenddemocracy #democracy #FreeRussia #fuckputin

Last updated 2 years ago

@PaulaChertok Time to track down & freeze Putin's & his Mafia regime's trillions of dollars stolen from the Russian people & hidden in Switzerland & known dirty-money offshore paradises, to pay for reparations & reconstruction in Ukraine devastated by the mob boss in the Kremlin.


#StandWithUkraine #standwithhumanity #standwithfreedom #FreeRussia #mobbossputin #makeputinpooragain #PutinsWar #warofaggression #warcrimes #crimesagainsthumanity #crimesagainstpeace

Last updated 2 years ago

@sabunia The Russian/ Soviet empire is dead.

Time the Kremlin wannabe-emperor takes it as a fact.

People want to be free. People raise their voices to be free. People will be free.

#freegeorgia #georgia #europe #democracy #freedom #selfdetermination #putinimperialism #warofaggression #FreeRussia #putintribunal

Last updated 2 years ago

@ManyRoads Obviously Prigozhin's panicking over loss of subordinates shredded in Bakhmut by the thousands, which made him publicly attack Putin's defense minister & demand more weapons.
That much for his willingness to send thousands more of sons of Russian mothers to death in Ukraine, to save his Kremlin-pampered inflated face.

#StandWithUkraine #standwithfreedom #FreeRussia #freethekremlin #freerussians #democracy #arrestputin #arrestputinsregime

Last updated 2 years ago

@morgfair When will the mothers of Russian soldiers have forgotten, how Putin sent their sons to be slaughtered in Ukraine for the Kremlin Fuehrer's insanity?

#FreeRussia #savelives #fuckputin #StandWithUkraine #standwithhumanity #standwithfreedom #PutinsWar #warofaggression #crimesagainsthumanity

Last updated 2 years ago

@toomas_ilves Russians should really stop devastating their neighbors' countries & instead start extraditing all members of the Putin-regime to international courts/ the Putin-Tribunal.
Russians, take your chance to have a future in peace, freedom, democacy & equality as members of the international community of free nations β€” & extradite the Putin-regime.


#FreeRussia #standwithhumanity #standwithfreedom #StandWithUkraine #PutinsWar #warofaggression #warcrimes #crimesagainsthumanity #crimesagainstpeace #extraditionnotdevastation

Last updated 2 years ago

@osintaurora Hasn't the ordinary Soviet Russian military always been an unpaid exploitation-induced gang of looters, sent to die for the palaces & ivory towers of its dicktators?

#FreeRussia #putintribunal #warofaggression #warcrimes #crimesagainstpeace #crimesagainsthumanity #PutinsWar #icj #icc #accountabilitymatters

Last updated 2 years ago

@EugeneMcParland It's that kind of irony, which will be going to bite Putin's ass, that it was genius Soviet jurist Aron Trainin, who developed the concept of *Crimes Against Peace*, i.e. waging war of aggression.
Trainin played a leading role establishing the legal framework for the Nuremberg trials & proposed applying the legal concept of *crime of aggression* to hold Nazi Germany's military & political leaders accountable for invading & occupying numerous countries.

In addition to that he was also influential developing & establishing the new legal framework of International Law.

#ruleoflaw #JusticeMatters #accountabilitymatters #PutinsWar #warofaggression #crimesagainstpeace #warcrimes #crimesagainsthumanity #StandWithUkraine #standwithhumanity #internationallaw #putintribunal #FreeRussia #icj #icc

Last updated 2 years ago

@TheGuardian The only one, who's dismembering countless Russian families is the self-proclaimed lunatic successor to tsar Peter in the Kremlin, Vladolf Putler.

#FreeRussia #democracy #humanity #freedom #selfdetermination #standwithfreedom #standwithhumanity #StandWithUkraine #fuckputin

Last updated 2 years ago

@BenjaminHCCarr Who could prove, that the Russian people as a whole weren't part of free, civilized peoples at any time, when they have hardly ever been ruled by a civilized, anti-totalitarian, brutal & brutalizing oppressive dicktatorship?
Of course Russians can be recognized members of the international community of nations, now & again.
Their only problem & roadblock is the dicktatorial world- & laws-hate club in the Kremlin.

#FreeRussia #PutinsWar #warofaggression #warcrimes #crimesagainsthumanity #crimesagainstpeace #standwithhumanity #StandWithUkraine

Last updated 2 years ago

@PStyleOne1 Look how scared paranoid war-criminal Putin is of coming too close to a person he's to award a dicktatorship medal, while the neo-Stalinist's soldiery is busy murdering, raping & looting Ukrainians!

#StandWithUkraine #standwithhumanity #FreeRussia #arrestputin #PutinsWar #warofaggression #warcrimes #crimesagainsthumanity #crimesagainstpeace #putintribunal

Last updated 2 years ago