we are 24 days away from the fundraiser's end. We still need the support of people who is keen on supporting the freedom to use #cryptocurrency & free, #alternativeMedia Please go to http://balladofthecrypto6.com and find out how to back the project.
#cryptocurrency #alternativemedia #FreeTalkLive #TheCrypto6
Libertarians are at step 1.
First they ignore you.
-Peakless Mountaineer
#FreeTalkLive Host
@griffdawg@noagendasocial.com Haha #ITM!
Although I'm not on #NAS, I'm on #FreeTalkLive social, which is pretty similar I guess
@niplav Hello! I gotta talk to more people on the local timeline here lol, especially now that I've finally started actually listening to #FreeTalkLive now
The finer the Utopia, the deeper the cacatopia. They go together like food and shit.
Utopia, that be like water. A little can help, too much will kill.
@Beef I already do from time to time! Listened to it last night while doing homework in fact! But I need to check out #FreeTalkLive now