Originally posted by Anonymous Operations / @AnonOpsSE@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/AnonOpsSE/status/1609733794629550086#m
It has come to our attention that there are people out there who took Greta’s phone number “doxx” as legitimate
You’ve been Rick Rolled (ignorance is a choice)
#Anonymous in no way supports #AndrewTate or #FreeTopG, he is the epitome of scum
#Anonymous #AndrewTate #FreeTopG
Originally posted by Anonymous / @YourAnonNews@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/YourAnonNews/status/1609042484503482369#m
Despite what other admins here are saying about Greta being some hero, we're not all in agreement. We believe she needs a wake up call at the moment. So, here's her phone number:
Let her know how you feel.