Invoquer la Loi sur les mesures d’urgence, une décision appropriée, selon le juge Rouleau
#OttawaOccupation #FreedomConvoy2022
#LoiDesUrgences #EmergenciesAct
#CanPol #cdnpoli
#OttawaOccupation #FreedomConvoy2022 #loidesurgences #EmergenciesAct #canpol #cdnpoli #radiocanada
Le juge Rouleau déposera son rapport vendredi:
#OttawaOccupation #FreedomConvoy2022
#CanPol #cdnpoli
#EmergenciesAct #OttawaOccupation #FreedomConvoy2022 #canpol #cdnpoli #lapresse
@david_megginson Well, I think it's clear that the Ottawa police didn't plan to do anything on Day 1; they expected the protesters to disperse on their own after a weekend, or a week at most. Once it was clear that that wouldn't happen, they concluded they needed OPP resources as well, but the OPP prioritised the Ambassador Bridge.
Only after traffic was rolling between Windsor and Detroit did the forces of order act against the main protest in Ottawa.
#CBCRadio this morning tells me that the report on the #FreedomConvoy2022 will be issued next week.
My prediction: The report will indicate that the invocation of the #EmergenciesAct was unnecessary in the circumstances.
I make that prediction with 80% confidence, based upon what I learned from reporting at the inquiry.
I'll post if I'm wrong. Does anyone else a prediction?
#CBCRadio #FreedomConvoy2022 #EmergenciesAct #canpol #cdnpoli #ottawa #rouleaureport
Biggest peaceful protest in Canadian history. How does The State respond? By freezing the money of protestors and contributors. This is why #Bitcoin is indispensable to any liberal democracy worthy of the name.
The OPP decided to focus on clearing the Ambassador Bridge first, which was themore urgent problem. Once that was done, they and the Ottawa Police cleared out the protest in Ottawa. The timing had nothing to do with the invocation of the #EmergencyAct .
When the inquiry reports, we'll see who's right.
#EmergencyAct #canpol #onpol #FreedomConvoy2022
1. As we are coming up on the first anniversary of the Freedom Convoy/Ottawa Occupation, I thought I might go back and post some of the intel I never got to during my ridiculously long threads.
Today, let's take a look at the Feb 13 #FREEDOMCONVOY2022 Spaces discussion.
"For what it’s worth, I suspect that, left to their own devices, the cops probably would have chased off the tuckers pretty much as they did. The border had already been cleared and doing the same for Ottawa’s streets was the only task remaining. No one was killed, there was no uprising, Canada’s democracy was not in danger. But Trudeau couldn’t be sure of that at the time [...] so he made a decision: the hell with it, this has to end."
"The “national emergency” that spurred the government to invoke extraordinary powers started with a gross miscalculation on the part of the Ottawa police. The chief at the time shrugged off warnings something big and bad was about to happen, ignoring intelligence reports, alerts from local hotels and assertions by convoyists themselves. “What are you worried about?” he asked a far less complaisant city councillor."
"With the police flailing and Ford in denial, the pressure shifted to federal authorities, who definitely didn’t want it. Trudeau didn’t want it, his ministers didn’t want it, his caucus didn’t want it. They wanted the police to handle it, the province to handle it, the bureaucrats to handle it … anyone but an aging government with an underwater approval rating."
#FreedomConvoy2022 #canpol #nationalpost
The tow trucks were not compelled, according to the #CBC article:
'[A] commission lawyer asked if it would be fair to say trucks "were indemnified under the Emergencies Act, but they were not actually compelled under the Emergencies Act." "That's how I would describe it," said Carrique.'
I guess the towing companies were afraid hostile truck drivers might damage their equipment.
#cbc #FreedomConvoy2022 #canpol
Thank-you for the response, @rtaylor_work . If the EA was necessary to get tow trucks, then I will agree that it was appropriate to use it.
As to the delays, my understanding is that the OPP decided to prioritise clearing the bridge in Windsor (which was the right thing to do) and that the Ottawa police had trouble putting together a plan — which was fixed by personnel changes. TTBOMK, the provincial government wasn't involved with those decisions.
@rtaylor_work There were serious disruptions and indeed crimes as part of the #FreedomConvoy2022 . The government was justified in using force to end it. But that analysis is not enough. It omits the fact that the #EmergenciesAct wasn't required for the force that was applied to oust the convoy.
But maybe I wasn't following the news closely enough. Can you point to an action that was done that couldn't have happened without invoking the EA?
#FreedomConvoy2022 #EmergenciesAct #canpol
"In retrospect, so long as the government refused to waive the requisite privilege, the entire inquiry process was doomed to reach this dead end. Canadians will apparently just have to trust the government that a legal opinion they’ve never seen gave the government license to apply criteria they won’t discuss, in order to invoke the most draconian law on the books."
Justin Trudeau's 'just trust me' moment
#canpol #FreedomConvoy2022 #justintrudeau #nationalpost
@zazzoo I don't think I've ever seen the statue of Terry Fox 'dressed up' the way it was during the convoy, not saying it hasn't been, just that I've not seen it and assuming it has, I would not be happy about that either. #FreedomConvoy2022 #TerryFox #EmergenciesActInquiry
#FreedomConvoy2022 #terryfox #emergenciesactinquiry
"Much of the media commentary arguing the situation did not meet the required legal threshold has leaned on pre-hearing evidence from Vigneault that he felt obliged to “clearly convey the Service’s position that there did not exist a threat to the security of Canada, defined by the Service’s legal mandate.”"
Yet he had "advised Justin Trudeau that he agreed it was appropriate to invoke the Emergencies Act."
#nationalpost #canpol #FreedomConvoy2022
Fully Vaxxed Boy PARODY (Teenage Dirtbag)
Stay sane everyone. This is a parody / cover of Teenage Dirtbag by Wheatus.
Theresa Tam the Chief Medical Officer of Canada is handsome and the Canadian Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau is very pretty. They both keep us safe and effective.
#freedomconvoy #freedomconvoy2022 #truckerconvoy2022 #truckerconvoy #cdnpoli #comedy #GregWycliffe
#freedomconvoy #FreedomConvoy2022 #TruckerConvoy2022 #truckerconvoy #cdnpoli #comedy #GregWycliffe
"In Clow’s notes, Kenney is quoted as saying that he had warned the prime minister against enforcing a vaccine mandate on cross-border truckers in the first place and insisting there were other ways to reduce tensions with protesters beyond the Emergencies Act."
Notes reveal Kenney's nuanced views leading up to Emergencies Act
#nationalpost #canpol #FreedomConvoy2022
Interestingly, #ParliamentaryPrivilege only allows Premier #DougFord to avoid testifying while the legislature is in session.
I think the Premier, or at least a Minister should go and testify at the #EmergenciesAct inquiry, even if it is not legally required. It would be good for Ontarians to know what the top levels of their provincial government though about the #FreedomConvoy2022 .
#onpol #FreedomConvoy2022 #EmergenciesAct #dougford #ParliamentaryPrivilege
"Dilkens said even though they saw the blockade coming through social media, there was no way to prevent it without blocking a major artery to the bridge and dozens of businesses and homes along that road. [He] said talking to his police chief they were determined to learn from the Ottawa protests to ensure the protesters didn’t become entrenched."
Windsor said bridge was clear before invocation of Emergencies Act
#nationalpost #canpol #EmergenciesAct #FreedomConvoy2022