Hyped for today's episode of #freedommoney with @ODELL and @ihate1999.
Premieres in ~2 hrs.
RT @meronina
Join us, sign the letter.
#Bitcoin #FreedomMoney https://twitter.com/DavidZell_/status/1534143742940090368
Truckers, accept crypto!
Private, permissionless, direct, p2p digital CASH
No intermediaries needed!
Download an @EdgeWallet or @CakeWallet, film action on the ground, show your QR code, & let us support you!!!
#CRYPTOCONVOY2022 #freedomconvoy2022 #FreedomMoney #MoneroFixesThis #honkhonk
Another example of how Free Open Source software can enhance freedom and point out in practice how useless and contra-productive top-down regulations are.
#Bitcoin is #FreedomMoney
RT @NicolasDorier
What about BTCPay implement AOPP? But not for the merchant to prove ownership. But for the customer to fake ownership.
#noAOPP #FreedomMoney #bitcoin
For people in western countries, #bitcoin is very valuable
For people in hyperinflating or authoritarian countries, #bitcoin is priceless
Most people come for the Number Go Up (NGU)™ tech, but on a long enough timeframe, everyone stays for the #FreedomMoney ✌️
H/t @gladstein
Tomorrow I will talk with @meronina about helping refugees from #Eritrea. In prep. I heard horrifying stories of thousands being kidnapped, tortured and held for ransom.
Why did she use #bitcoin to pay researchers in Ethiopia? #FreedomMoney #UseCases https://www.thedailyvox.co.za/meron-estefanos-i-see-people-suffering-and-its-just-my-duty-as-a-human-being-to-care-shaazia-ebrahim/
#usecases #FreedomMoney #bitcoin #eritrea