Retired Police Officer Vincent Gircys Testimony | Toronto Day 3 | National Citizens Inquiry
This veteran police officer details the events leading up to the Freedom Convoy and what happened to him, including a fine of ten thousand dollars for attending a Church Service. Watch
#Freedomofconscience #freedomofspeech #ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada #Truckerprotest
#Truckerprotest #ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada #freedomofspeech #Freedomofconscience
Thinking about Canada’s Bill C11 and other fascist measures of thought control by Trudeau…
#Canada #Freedomofconscience #freedomofspeech #Freedoms #LeftistactionsinCanada #ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada #ThingsTrudeaudoestoscrewCanada #Waronfreedoms
#Waronfreedoms #ThingsTrudeaudoestoscrewCanada #ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada #LeftistactionsinCanada #Freedoms #freedomofspeech #Freedomofconscience #Canada
Dr. Mary O’Connor speech in Ottawa, September 17th, 2022
This is the speech Dr. O'Connor gave on World Wide Walkout day, September 17th, 2022 across from Parliament Hill, Ottawa. You can read more on Mary's story here and if you don't already know, how vicious and thuggish even institutions like the various Canadian Colleges of Surgeons and Physicians have become since Covid
The EU’s planned mass surveillance state, coming to a smart city near you
Please go to RAIR for the story details. And do not for a moment think this isn't planned for as much of the world as they can force it on. What did you think, "Smart Cities" and "Strong Cities" meant after all?
#EuropeanUnion #Freedomofconscience #freedomofspeech #Gallopingstatism #Privacy
#Privacy #Gallopingstatism #freedomofspeech #Freedomofconscience #EuropeanUnion
Dr. Jordan Peterson issues warning on most totalitarian legislation in Canada’s history, C-67
#ExposingLeftism #Freedomofconscience #freedomofspeech #Prof.JordanPeterson #ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada
#ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada #Prof #freedomofspeech #Freedomofconscience #ExposingLeftism
The one constant in all the crisis of the past few decades, is the move to tyranny
From Nuclear Winter to the current conflict in Ukraine, the one constant has been, in it's original meaning, "political correctness."
First, let's visit what that term actually means:
(Youtube has now ag
#Freedomofconscience #freedomofspeech #Islam #ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada
#ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada #Islam #freedomofspeech #Freedomofconscience