Stefan Verstappen 🇨🇦 🇳🇱 writes on how to survive a collapsing society. In this podcast on #FreemanTV he tells us what to expect. #recommended #survival #StefanVerstappen #prepping
#survival #prepping #FreemanTV #recommended #StefanVerstappen
She died recently and she was in the way of #Agenda21, a.k.a. #BuildBackBetter or #GreatReset.
Listen to #RosaKoire's interview on #FreemanTV from 2020.
#agenda21 #GreatReset #rosakoire #buildbackbetter #FreemanTV
Dr. Andrew Kaufman explains how they've tested, why it does not work and how #COVID19 may actually be the body's own #exosomes. He was also at the podcast of #FreemanTV.
#FreemanTV reports a #comet that is expected to scratch the Earth's atmosphere 29 April, 06:00AM EST. Comet Atlas is said to fly on the side of Earth for a while. It has a green trail of cyanide gas (HCN?☠️ ). Planet X, five times Jupiter, is also expected to buzz our ball. ☄️ As you probably noticed, 14 volcanoes have gone off in short succession. 🌋 #asteroid
#OTG: If we want our freedom and be self-reliant, take responsibility then de-centralized solutions are needed. Stefan Verstappen, who wrote books on survival of societal colaps is writing a book on the subject. Listen to him on #FreemanTV's #podcast. 🎙️