Resilient to Trauma · @Mysticcshadow
114 followers · 101 posts · Server

Ok I shall check in soon. I need to do the afternoon check ins! I may get my favorite !!!


Last updated 2 years ago

Hello! You can call me mystic or resilient. I slowly migrated from as of today but I will still be active on Twitter. I'll just have both accounts and go back & forth from each platform. I use my socials as an anonymous outlet & for support because support is not available or there in my personal life. I mask 24/7 and people who think they may know me, do not know me at all.

I'm extremely introverted. People think I'm extroverted but I'm really not. I'm socially awkward and it's painfully excruciating to even make eye contact. It feels like my eyes are drilling into someone else's soul if that even makes sense. I'm also very random. I can be hyper at times.

Anyways, I was diagnosed in my early 20's with , , , & . I'm still waiting to get assessed for and I'm slowly embracing my neurodivergency. I had no idea what being was until recently and I started reading and following a bunch of other Neurodivergent users.

I've never really felt accepted anywhere but in the neurodivergent community and it feels like family to me. It feels like I belong.

While growing up, I have had doctors tell me that i have and - There has never actually been a diagnosis. There should have been. Professionals do not really take me seriously. It's because I'm able to mask and function normally. But people don't see how easily frustrated I can get. It's there. So is the anger. It's just hidden.

Here are a few interests:

- 🦄🦄
- 😍😍❤️❤️❤️

I love you all! Remember to stay amazing & that unicorns are awesome! ❤️🌟🦄

#twitter #borderlinepersonalitydisorder #anxiety #depression #CPTSD #adhd #neurodivergent #OppositionalDefiantDisorder #sensoryprocessingdisorder #unicorns #MentalHealth #MentalIllness #PolicingReform #criminology #SocialJustice #policing #PTSD #HumanRights #disability #advocacy #medium #photography #ChrisEvans #FrenchLatte #montreal #DisabilityJustice #disabilityinclusion #covid #SelfCare #equality #accessibility #healthcare

Last updated 2 years ago