So my favorite podcasting app decided to add a bunch of ads to its paid version. Time to look for a new solution! What are people using these days? I have a #FreshRSS instance, so a good client player app might be the ticket. #selfhosting
OK, have deleted my Inoreader account (which I migrated to after Feedly revealed their lousy ethics). #FreshRSS is pretty much everything I need.
Now if I could just get Win 10 to do mDNS without installing Bonjour, so I could access the Pi via a domain name rather than IP.
@simplicitarian I use #FreshRSS and #Thunderbird. The thing I like most about RSS readers (and pretty much all have the feature, I think) is that it's possible to search the entire history (within the feed retention timeframes I set, anyway). So any time I have a vague memory of reading something, I can usually find the exact post pretty quickly!
@secretgeek That's interesting. Those items have e.g. <id>,2022-11-16:Using-CWs</id> which looks like it's a custom way that relies on date-title uniqueness (a reasonable assumption!). In MediaWiki it's okay to assume the page name is unique.
I'm going to make a few feeds and run them through #FreshRSS and #Thunderbird and see how it goes with duplicates etc.
@jackoneill are looking for individuals or applications that are self hosted? There are some here on the fediverse too. Recently found @omnivore . Following hastags might be helpful too, like #docker #FreshRSS #NextCloud or the application youâre looking for.
Think I broke my #nextcloud install while updating #docker but got my #FreshRSS setup though now to add my RSS feeds and start reading again.
Think I broke my #nextcloud install while updating #docker but got my #FreshRSS setup though now to add my RSS feeds and start reading again. a connu une petite interruption suite Ă une mise Ă jour.
Le service est de nouveau opérationnel.
What #rss reader do you use? Looking at something that syncs between my desktop and mobile phone. Iâve heard of #FreshRSS and donât mind #SelfHosting either.
#selfhost #SelfHosting #FreshRSS #RSS
Câest pratique la fonctionnalitĂ© "marquer comme lu tous / antĂ©rieur Ă 1 jour /antĂ©rieur Ă 1 mois" quand ça fait plus dâun mois que tu nâas pas fait ta veille faute dâĂ©nergie đ
FreshRSS is a self-hosted RSS feed aggregator.
It is lightweight, easy to work with, powerful, and customizable.
It is a multi-user application with an anonymous reading mode. It supports custom tags. There is an API for (mobile) clients, and a Command-Line Interface. |
#FreshRSS #rss #news #selfhost
@chihuamaranian I've been enjoying #FreshRSS for RSS recently.
I'm currently moving away from #Seafile (similar to NextCloud, but maybe more focused) because I didn't like how it locked up my files in its own custom file archive format. I had to find a random script by someone who reverse engineered their format to recover from a crash. vient d'ĂȘtre mis Ă jour sur la branche 1.21.0-dev. #FreshRSS
@NaejDoree my solution to this is that I run #FreshRSS to host my feeds, and from each "feed folder" I can create a new RSS feed that I control, there I can set that I only want the items of the last hour, that severely diminish the amount of data of the first run, then if needed I can increase the amount of time I want at the input
Bon bah comme un utilisateur mâa contactĂ© parce quâil arrivait pas Ă lier son compte #FreshRSS Ă lâapplication #NetNewsWire, jâai fait des tests. Je suis agrĂ©ablement surpris par lâapplication. Je crois que je vais la garder !
Lâoption API nâĂ©tait pas activĂ©e sur . Il Ă©tait donc impossible de connecter votre application Ă une application tierce.
Câest maintenant corrigĂ© au niveau de la configuration.
@tchambers @davew I don't get the TLS part... Honestly haven't we all an interest to transform the web to HTTPS, little by little?
And in that same (Google is the enemy) logic, isn't #Twitter Auth login dependency a worst enemy to have?
Between the two I'd rather have Let's Encrypt TLS everywhere (it's free) and Twitter login nowhere?
#FreshRSS has a a neat thing to solve HTTP feed : ability to configure per feed if TLS has to be checked, if not, no problem. Wouldn't that solve it?
@filippo #FreshRSS and #inoreader for some dorky advanced usage with integration with other tools.
@filippo #FreshRSS and #inoreader for some dorky advanced usage with integration with other tools.
If anyone out there wants to make a quick and easy #FreshRSS plugin, I have a suggestion: Allow me to give feeds 'strikes' - each time I see a post or spam or something that makes me unhappy with the feed, let me quickly mark it. Then give me an interface in the admin to see feeds with strikes, how many, how recent, etc.
One strike is almost never enough to make me unsubscribe from a feed. But if it collects a handful over a month, then I want to reconsider it's place in my RSS feed.