Rufous grasses studded with twilight blooms brushed against her thighs. Ringing the meadow were tall, dark trees standing sentry.
“What is this place?” She asked, searching the sky for familiar constellations.
“A dream or maybe a memory. I forget which.”
The cool earth under bare feet felt real enough. “How does that work?”
“From my experience? Better if you don’t think too hard on it.” His fingers brushed her hand, barely there then gone.
#vss365 #fridayKiss
“Could you love me?” He asked, voice rough as his fingers mapped her skin.
They were charcoal words sparking through her, dangerous and tempting. And able to burn it all down to ash if things went sideways, because she knew she could.
She already did.
#vss365 #fridayKiss
“You’re not as clever as you think you are,” she snapped, wrenching at her arm.
His lips curled, the shift in his mood to wicked drawing her up short. Hand skimming up her arm, he tugged her closer.
Her heart hammered in her chest as he lowered his head. Oh, it was tempting. A taste of the forbidden.
And it would only ruin everything.
His mouth brushed against her throat. “You can’t ever begin to understand the game I’m playing,” he said, voice silken.
#vss365 #fridaykiss
Sleep was supposed to be an escape, but it wasn’t one she wanted. Not now.
But there was no denying it as it sank into her, limbs growing heavy.
“Where are you?” The rasping words brushed against her in a shiver of goosebumps as the shadows unfurled in a suggestion of a shape.
Of the nightmare and the man.
#vss365 #fridaykiss
“I did promise adventure,” he said, voice catching on the the cough that threatened to wrack him with pain.
“Not exactly what I anticipated.” Her voice was soft, distracted with worry even as her fingers traced runes and glyphs almost mindlessly on his arm.
“I’m sorry about all this.” Shifting sent bright shards of pain through his broken ribs and he hissed through his teeth.
Her dark eyes stayed focused on her fingertips even though he desperately wanted her to look up.
#fridaykiss #vss365
Stomach plummeting, she met his eyes and saw only a distant indifference. Had any of it been real? The desire? The vulnerability?
Or had it all been an act to manipulate her? Her jaw clenched as his lips twitched into a mocking smile.
“Something wrong, dove?”
Fury lit through her and she lashed out, her nails barely grazing his cheek as he caught her wrist. But she had the satisfaction of seeing his eyes widen in surprise.
#vss365 #fridaykiss
He turned. Frozen, she watched the black of his pupils bleed to cover his irises. So that had finally shattered his indifference, but she didn’t find it nearly as satisfying as she’d imagined.
As he stared down at her, she shivered.
A mistake. She’d made a mistake.
“Is that what you think?” His voice was silken. Dangerous and coiled with threat as he towered over her.
“You could stop this,” she said, voice wavering. “If you weren’t afraid.”
#vss365 #fridayKiss
Edward was right there, on the other side of her. What would he do if she kissed Paul?
But that was what Edward wanted. He wanted her to kiss Paul, touch him, fuck him. That was his plan for the evening.
And She Liked It
An amused hum escaped him as she traced the ink. A serval tattoo in vibrant ochre and black prowled across his chest and shoulder, fangs bared. Unusual and delightful, just like him. Muscle shifted under her fingers, the lanky cat seeming to stretch.
“I figured you for a lion,” she said, meeting his dark eyes.
“Lions have no style.” He smiled crookedly, as he caught her hand and kissed her palm, before biting the pad of her thumb.
#vss365 #fridaykiss
Unwrapping a ginger candy, she offered it to him before wiping her sticky fingers on her jeans. “So, not a phooka?”
He shook his head, popping the candy in his mouth and grimacing at the taste. “Ugh, no. That’s awful. A wolpertinger. One movie and anything vaguely rabbity is a phooka.”
“I didn’t say jackalope,” she muttered, annoyed.
“A miracle.” He grinned crookedly, looping an arm around her to tug her into his side. “That would have been insulting.”
#vss365 #fridaykiss
In an instant, want turned to need. The kiss bordered on frantic and she clutched at his shoulders, desperate to get closer, to lift her body to meet him.
#romancelandia #writingcommunity #amwritingromance #amwriting #FridayKiss
His fingers found hers in a soft, barely there brush of skin. It was enough, though.
Just knowing he was there was a comfort in this twisted fantasy land. Her shadow determined to protect her no matter what.
Even if it cost him everything.
Heart racing, she looked up at him, committing his face to memory. He wasn’t just some pawn to throw away. Not to her.
#vss365 #fridayKiss
“You gonna kiss me or not, Bobby Ray?” she asked, her breath releasing in a chuff of almost-laughter. He was close. So close she could feel his breath across her face. But still not close enough.
“You want me to?” The words came out as a whisper, soft but strained. A careful man taking care.
“Only if you want to,” she replied, her voice matching his. “But if you do, hell yeah. I want you to.”
#WIP #romancelandia #writingcommunity #amwritingromance #amwriting #FridayKiss
#FridayKiss "lovely"
Humming filled her ears, a soft sound that, while she could not make out the words, she sensed the intent—it was not unlike a lullaby. Rest, and find solace within. Sleep, and all will be forever perfect. Drift away on these gentle tones, into a state of lovely tranquility.
#FridayKiss #writing #writingcommunity
“You know, that’s your problem,” he said, lips brushing her cheek and voice infuriatingly mocking. “So angry.”
She arched against his mockery of a loving embrace. If he thought she was angry, wait until she beaned him. “Let go.” The words were a hiss.
“Careful,” he murmured, the feel of his warm breath on her skin twisting her stomach. “They’re watching.”
Her breath left her in a shaky sigh. If she played along, they’d only see two lovers entangled. No threat there.
#vss365 #fridayKiss
Was it his imagination or were there darker shadows gliding around in the moonless night? A loud bang broke the silence and startled his companion, her knuckles going white as she clung to the rifle in her hands. How long until those things found a way inside?
There was very real fear in her eyes as they darted to his. Determination, too. That steel will of hers apparent in the set of her jaw.
“Unstoppable,” he murmured.
“Unbreakable.” She replied, lips twitching.
#FridayKiss #vss365
“It’s just a gig.”
She knew that, but she couldn’t shake the chill sinking into her bones that had nothing to do with the bite in the air. A feeling of wrongness that felt like a premonition.
His fingers brushed hers, squeezing. “We’re unstoppable, remember?”
She offered him a shaky smile. He was unstoppable. Her? Lately, she only felt real when he was with her. When he was away, it was much harder to be certain and brave.
The fear was always at the door. Waiting to devour.
#vss365 #fridaykiss
FRIDAY… a cool shot of fog hanging low over the Willamette River just east of downtown #Portland earlier this week. Lots of weather changes lately as we slow roll into winter. Have a great day and a safe weekend out there! #LiveOnK2 #FridayKiss #weather #oregon #FridayVibes
#FridayVibes #oregon #Weather #FridayKiss #LiveonK2 #portland
“What kind of end do you think this story has?” His rough voice was almost indifferent, eyes distant on the sunrise as the sky bled orange and pink. “A thrilling one? A happily ever after?”
Smiling wryly, she reached for his hand. “I’d settle for both of us surviving this.”
His amber eyes flicked to her hand in his, his expression unreadable aside from the smallest quirk of his lip. “That’s asking for a bit much.”
“I’m ambitious that way.”
He huffed out a soft laugh.
#FridayKiss #vss365
Happy Friday! This week's #FridayKiss prompt is THRILL. Here's an excerpt from my work in progress:
I'm beyond thrilled to see the woman I haven't been able to get out of my head standing before me, the woman I thought I'd never see again. So why did she look so...annoyed? If anyone should feel vexed it ought to be me. She ran off without so much as a kiss goodbye.
Have a great weekend! 💕 #bookstodons #RomanceReaders #romance #romancelit #romancelandia #romancenovel
#romancenovel #romancelandia #romancelit #romance #RomanceReaders #bookstodons #FridayKiss