@Free_Press YUM! Nice bit of squirrel, Jackie!
#FridayNightDinner #PutinIsAJoke #PutinIsALoser
Have just introduced my Beloved Englishman to the delightful family comedy #FridayNightDinner. He thought it was hilarious, yay! We’ve got six seasons to watch together 🥰
#FridayNightDinner #lovelybitofsquirrel
#introduction (kinda) part two
after some soul-searching I come up with some of my interests which tend to recur:
#Cooking preferably #Food that needs a lot of time, bubbling and simmering like ragout #Bolognese #Goulash (but I eat mostly vegetarian food so I make those rarely nowadays)
#Pickling #Sourdough #Bread #Fermentation.
#Sitcoms #Seinfeld #CurbYourEnthusiasm #TheGoodPlace #Community
#BritishTV #Taskmaster #FridayNightDinner #GhostsUK
#SciFi #Fantasy #DarkFantasy #GothicFiction
#Podcasts (since 2010 💪 mostly german ones)
#Music (of nearly every kind and era) #DieÄrzte #TheBeatles #Punk #Psychedelic
#WeirdStuff in general
#Buddism #Zen
#Religion only in theory, I'm an #Atheist
I will update this list if something else comes into my mind.
#introduction #cooking #food #bolognese #Goulash #pickling #sourdough #bread #fermentation #sitcoms #seinfeld #curbyourenthusiasm #thegoodplace #community #BritishTV #taskmaster #FridayNightDinner #ghostsuk #SciFi #fantasy #darkfantasy #GothicFiction #theneverendingstory #momo #podcasts #music #diearzte #thebeatles #punk #psychedelic #weirdstuff #intuitiveeating #buddism #zen #philosophy #mythology #religion #atheist
Tonights #vegan recipe idea is vegan gnocchi with homemade vegan basil pesto, roasted with sweet potato, asparagus, broad beans and cherry tomatoes. Actually thought it would go well with a sausage … had I had one! Non-vegan gnocchi and pesto would work just as well.
#foodporn #food #fridaynightdinner #dinnerideas
#vegan #foodporn #food #FridayNightDinner #dinnerideas
@AlexPalombo Finally! Another #BritishTV fan! I love:
#Taskmaster (oh, how I love Taskmaster)
#GBBO (except this current season is quite wtaf)
#Unforgotten (Nicola Walker in anything, really)
You? ❤️
#BritishTV #Taskmaster #PeepShow #FridayNightDinner #antiquesroadshow #gbbo #BritainsBestWoodworker #GreatPotteryThrowdown #SewingBee #LineOfDuty #Unforgotten #StrictlyComeDancing #ProfessorAliceRobers #DrJaninaRamirez #SimonReeve #BethanyHughes #ProfessorJimAlKhalili #WILTY #onlyconnect