#UnitedKingdom acquits #Russian oligarch Mikhail #Fridman of most of the charges.
The charges of conspiracy to defraud the Interior Ministry and conspiracy to commit perjury were dropped against Friedman. However, he is still suspected of money laundering.
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/nexta_tv/status/1643180821958873088
#UnitedKingdom #Russian #Fridman
Mikhail #Fridman and Pyotr #Aven are going to sell their shares in Alfa-Bank in order to get out of sanctions.
They own 45% of the bank's shares, which businessman Andrey Kosogov, who is not subject to sanctions, plans to buy out for $2.3 billion.
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/nexta_tv/status/1634080747744010245
https://www.politico.eu/article/2380338/ #oligarch #Fridman detained in London on money-laundering suspicions
https://www.politico.eu/article/2380338/ #oligarch #Fridman detained in London on money-laundering suspicions
The Russian #oligarch, #Alfabank founder and erstwhile Putin financier Mikhail #Fridman was arrested by the National Crime Agency in his London home on the charges of fraud and perjury (conspiracy) as well as #MoneyLaundering. He has been released on bail. https://www.rferl.org/a/russia-britain-money-laundering/32160289.html
#moneylaundering #Fridman #AlfaBank #oligarch
Russische Milliardäre wehren sich gegen EU-Sanktionen.
Statt bei der EU rumzuheulen solltet ihr lieber zu #Putin gehen und das mit ihm klären.
#PutinsWar #Ukrainekrieg #ukraine #aven #Fridman #putin
Mikhail Fridman (russian oligarch living in London and born in lviv, ukraine) speaks about sanctions
#UA #Ukraine #supportUkraine #standWithUkraine #ukraineCrisis #RU #RUS #Russia #RussoUkraineCrisis #putin #slavaUkraini #SlavaUkraine #ukraineInvasion #belorussia #Lukaschenko #belarus #ruble #fridman
#supportUkraine #StandWithUkraine #ukrainecrisis #ru #rus #russia #RussoUkraineCrisis #putin #SlavaUkraini #slavaUkraine #UkraineInvasion #Belorussia #Lukaschenko #belarus #ruble #Fridman #ua #ukraine