If you are in or around Chard in Somerset next weekend, it's well worth popping along to Britain's disabled strongman (not just men) they've whipped up this lovely flyer for my daughter Phoebe who's doing a seated deadlift. #DisabledStrongman #Deadlift #FriedreichsAtaxia
#disabledstrongman #deadlift #Friedreichsataxia
Phoebe's amazing personal trainer Jakki is running the #LondonMarathon23 tomorrow to raise money for AtaxiaUK, she's just shy of £3000 it would be amazing if you can help her, thanks 🙏 #FriedreichsAtaxia https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/Fitnesswithjakki
#londonmarathon23 #Friedreichsataxia
Today is a good day, the first drug that slows the progression of #FriedreichsAtaxia has been approved by the FDA, well done FARA let's hope approval in other countries swiftly follow🤞
RT @ReataPharma@twitter.com
While a healthy, balanced diet is essential for anyone, people living with #Friedreichsataxia (FA) should pay close attention to the texture of the foods they eat.
Learn more about making smart food choices in our Managing FA Brochure: https://bit.ly/3fMB3bU
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ReataPharma/status/1578064885212409856
RT @Friedreichsatax@twitter.com
Life with FA means sometimes expending a lot of energy trying to make ourselves understood. In our forums, we're exchanging tips on how to manage slurred speech. Join the conversation: https://buff.ly/3ehCPRv
#friedreichsataxia #friedreichsataxianews #livingwithfriedreichsataxia
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Friedreichsatax/status/1567317979892793347
#Friedreichsataxia #friedreichsataxianews #livingwithfriedreichsataxia
RT @ReataPharma@twitter.com
Because of its serious and progressive nature, #Friedreichsataxia (FA) should be diagnosed as soon as possible for more optimal symptom management.
Learn more about diagnosing FA: https://bit.ly/3cAo8c1
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ReataPharma/status/1565425051398074368
RT @ReataPharma@twitter.com
Everyone living with #Friedreichsataxia (FA) has a story to tell. Hear authentic dialogue from patients, caregivers, and advocacy groups on living with and managing FA in the three-part FA Talks podcast:
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ReataPharma/status/1555601449681244160
RT @hannahlames1@twitter.com
My amazing 12 year old daughter lifting 65kg and a new PB at Britain's Disabled Strongman Competition at the weekend despite having a progressive neuromuscular disease. She is rewriting what is possible with FA #curefa #friedreichsataxia @AtaxiaUK@twitter.com @CureFA_org@twitter.com @ReataPharma@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/hannahlames1/status/1554554667912380416
RT @hannahlames1@twitter.com
60kg today deadlift 11years old with a progressive neuromuscular condition
Dream big and never give up the power of strength training and a fabulous coach @BrydieBruce@twitter.com #friedreichsataxia #curefa @ReataPharma@twitter.com @CureFA_org@twitter.com @AtaxiaUK@twitter.com #disabilityawareness
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/hannahlames1/status/1544419710409793539
#Friedreichsataxia #curefa #disabilityawareness
RT @ReataPharma@twitter.com
We invited FAers to share the clever tricks they use in their daily lives to manage #Friedreichsataxia. From home adaption ideas to tips on staying positive, they shared a variety of useful life hacks!
See them in the FA Life Hacks gallery on Connect FA: https://bit.ly/3tvLg0x
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ReataPharma/status/1540386780377223172