Wir sind so gerne in der freien Natur, weil diese keine Meinung über uns hat. #FriedrichNietzsche #quotes
La natura che ci possiede https://www.carmillaonline.com/2023/05/26/la-natura-che-ci-possiede/ #FrancescaFiorentin #FriedrichNietzsche #GüntherAnders #EnricoTesta #Recensioni #ecologia #Poesia #natura #poesia
#FrancescaFiorentin #FriedrichNietzsche #GüntherAnders #EnricoTesta #recensioni #ecologia #poesia #natura
Tutti i più grandi pensieri sono concepiti mentre si cammina.
– Friedrich Nietzsche
#FriedrichNietzsche #quoteoftheday #4maggio
Tutti i più grandi pensieri sono concepiti mentre si cammina.
– Friedrich Nietzsche
#FriedrichNietzsche #quoteoftheday #19gennaio
"Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster... for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you."
The #prophet of #Dionysos #FriedrichNietzsche
#prophet #dionysos #FriedrichNietzsche
"I am a forest, and a night of dark trees: but he who is not afraid of my darkness, will find banks full of roses under my cypresses."
The #prophet of #Dionysos #FriedrichNietzsche
#prophet #dionysos #FriedrichNietzsche
:thinking: Denkanstoß für 2023; gelassener werden …:
„Der Irrsinn ist bei Einzelnen etwas Seltenes – aber bei Gruppen, Parteien, Völkern, Zeiten die Regel.“
— Friedrich Nietzsche, Buch Jenseits von Gut und Böse
#FriedrichNietzsche #philosopie
Erst am Ende eines Jahres weiß man, wie sein Anfang war.
(Friedrich Nietzsche)
#friedrichnietzsche #jahresende #zwischendenjahren #zwischendenjahren⭐️ #neuesjahr #neuesjahrneuesglück
#FriedrichNietzsche #Jahresende #zwischendenjahren #neuesJahr #neuesjahrneuesgluck
"The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently."
The #prophet of #Dionysos #FriedrichNietzsche
#prophet #dionysos #FriedrichNietzsche
"No one can construct for you the bridge upon which precisely you must cross the stream of life, no one but you yourself alone."
The #prophet of #Dionysos #FriedrichNietzsche
#prophet #dionysos #FriedrichNietzsche
"We should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once."
The #prophet of #Dionysos #FriedrichNietzsche
#prophet #dionysos #FriedrichNietzsche
"There are no facts, only interpretations."
The #prophet of #Dionysos #FriedrichNietzsche
#prophet #dionysos #FriedrichNietzsche
"What does not kill me makes me stronger! "
The #prophet of #Dionysos #FriedrichNietzsche
#prophet #dionysos #FriedrichNietzsche
Uno dei rari casi in cui il mio televisore ha detto una cosa intelligente, è stato quando ho sentito dire che #FriedrichNietzsche, nel suo intimo, desiderasse essere un nuovo evangelista.
Verso l’uomo felice https://www.carmillaonline.com/2022/05/25/verso-luomo-felice/ #Tractatuslogico-philosophicus #FriedrichNietzsche #CarloEmilioGadda #Michelstaedter #L'anticristo #RenatoSerra #Recensioni #guerra
#guerra #recensioni #RenatoSerra #l #Michelstaedter #CarloEmilioGadda #FriedrichNietzsche #Tractatuslogico