Love this - a very industrial (in the original sense, full of samples of industry) new score for Metropolis from Tomer Baruch (of Animals With Synthesizers fame) and Alex Brajkovic.
#Metropolis #FritzLang #IndustrialMusic #ExperimentalMusic #NowWatching
#metropolis #FritzLang #industrialmusic #experimentalmusic #nowwatching
Wer #FritzLang kennt und liebt, hier ein tolle Beitrag über ihn!
Und, wenn Ihr könnt, unterstützt @piqd_de durch ein Abo!
Para completistas de #FritzLang dirigió una película, Secreto tras la puerta, que parecía una Rebeca de #Hitchcock de Hacendado
brigitte helm (metropolis) // noudio // 2020
#gif #noudiogif #metropolis #FritzLang #maschinenmesch
I'm having a long weekend trip to #Berlin and I had a terrific time this evening at the Babylon Kino watching the 2010 restoration of Fritz Lang's classic 1927 film, Metropolis.
The film was accompanied with a live performance of the score by the Babylon Orchester Berlin. It was a extraordinary experience
#berlin #travel #photography #metropolis #FritzLang #cinema
Another #filmnoir master piece from #FritzLang with Edward Robinson, Joan Bennett, and Dan Duryea. Except for Duryea playing type, the other two leads add a more subtle difference in their performances as compared to Lang’s Woman In The Window with the same cast.
Robinson is pathetic as the loser cashier and henpecked husband who secretly paints expressionist modern art.
Bennett reeks of the trashy street girl stuck on the guy who beats her and you can’t blame Robinson falling for her.
The ending is pure noir with a psychological twist. No one survives death or insanity which is a welcome change compared to Woman which had a cop out resolution.
#filmnoir #FritzLang #noir #classicmovies
🪷 #FritzLang's #Metropolis premiered 10 Jan 1927, a dystopian vision of a world in the 2020s ruled by authoritarian plutocrats who prey on the superstitions of an ignorant workforce ... an eerily accurate prediction, as we are now seeing. Click here: 🪷
@WalterShaub I haven’t seen it. I’ve loved other Charlie Kaufman films though. I just read Fritz Lang’s Metropolis & Alfred Hitchcock’s The Lodger will enter the public domain in January. Along w/ a lot of other brilliant films/books/plays. We’re entering the talkie & Silver Screen era of films in the public domain. Coming soon to community theatres & virtual online archives. 🥳🥂#film #FilmFanatics #SilverScreen #Metropolis #TheLodger #FritzLang #AlfredHitchcock #TalkiesEra #winter
#film #filmfanatics #SilverScreen #metropolis #thelodger #FritzLang #AlfredHitchcock #talkiesera #winter
George O'Brien.
George's career began in silent films, but he continued to work well into the 1950s, especially in westerns. Most famous from 1927's "Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans" with Janet Gaynor, directed by F.W. Murnau -- a fantastic film.
#sunrise #actor #silentfilm #georgeobrien #fritzlang #cinema #film
#film #cinema #FritzLang #georgeobrien #silentfilm #actor #sunrise
#Cómic #Metrópolis #FritzLang #ChristianMontenegro
Metrópolis - Christian Montenegro
Metrópolis de Fritz Lang es uno de los films más importantes de la historia del cine y el primer largometraje considerado Memoria del Mundo por la UNESCO. En esta novela gráfica, Christian Montenegro hace hincapié en los contrastes cromáticos para reeditar el choque de dos mundos: 👇
#christianmontenegro #FritzLang #metropolis #comic
Brigitte Helm
Metropolis (1927)
#actress #european #cinema #brigittehelm #movieclassics #fritzlang #film #metropolis
#metropolis #film #FritzLang #movieclassics #brigittehelm #cinema #european #actress
There can be a wonderful surreal quality to silent movies. The sheer melodrama of it, bordering on the grotesque.
Try and watch the first three and a half minutes of Fritz Lang’s 1928 spy thriller The Spies (Spione). Burglaries! Murders! Mayhem!
This all culminates with an official asking himself:
“My god, what power is at play here?”
cut to the close-up of the movie’s villain saying:
What an opening!
#movies #classicmovies #FritzLang #spies #SpyThriller
I like @abbytoir's adjustment to this so adding this one too:
To help make connections, name 5-7 directors as tags so they are searchable. Then boost this post or repeat its instructions so other know to do the same.
#GuillermodelToro #JenniferKent #billywilder #HowardHawks #FritzLang #RidleyScott #stevenspielberg
🎥 Heute um 20.15 auf #arte #JeanLucGodard|s Meisterwerk: "Die Verachtung" aus dem Jahr 1963. #BrigitteBardot , #JackPalance , #MichelPiccoli , #FritzLang , Produziert von #CarloPonti. Nach einem Roman von #AlbertoMoravia Muss ich noch mehr sagen ?
#arte #jeanlucgodard #BrigitteBardot #JackPalance #MichelPiccoli #FritzLang #CarloPonti #AlbertoMoravia
Apple produziert METROPOLIS-Serie
Nach dem Erfolg von FOUNDATION möchte sich Apple sich offenbar an weiteren klassischen SF-Themen bedienen. Das Copyright an Fritz Langs Film METROPOLIS, oder besser gesagt, am Roman von Thea von Harbou, würde in den USA demnächst ablaufen, das Haus mit dem Apfel möchte daraus eine Serie für seinen Str ...
#Film,TV&Stream #Apple #AppleTV #FritzLang #Metropolis #Serie #Streamingserie
#Streamingserie #serie #metropolis #FritzLang #AppleTV #apple #film
Habían pasado más de 15 años desde su última obra (“Los crímenes del Doctor Mabuse”) donde plasmó aquello que tanto lo desvelaba “Mis películas muestran mi preocupación por la violencia, la patología de la violencia” supo decir alguna vez. La pérdida de la visión le impidió seguir con su carrera de director de cine y vivió su pronto retiro del séptimo arte en Beverly Hills. Allí, pacientemente, #FritzLang pareció esperar su final, que llegaría un día como el de hoy, pero de 1976