Victor Yarros, “Benjamin R. Tucker—The Man”
Of Benjamin R. Tucker, the founder and leading exponent of individualist. philosophical Anarchism, I have written elsewhere. Of Tucker the man, little has been written by anyone, and I propose to record here impressions and recollections of him based on many years close association with him, per
#FromtheArchives #BenjaminR.Tucker #VictorYarros
#FromtheArchives #BenjaminR #VictorYarros
Victor Yarros, “‘Egoism’ Bedeviling Anarchism”
Benjamin R. Tucker’s rather sudden conversion to Max Stirner’s philosophy of Egoism was a calamitous accident. There is nothing in common between individualist and philosophical Anarchism as Tucker developed it on the foundations laid by Jefferson, Thoreau, Emerson, Warren, Spoone
#FromtheArchives #BenjaminR.Tucker #Egoism #VictorYarros
#FromtheArchives #BenjaminR #egoism #VictorYarros
Dyer D. Lum, “The Science of Social Relations” (1890)
By the law of the Three Stages, so elaborately set forth by Auguste Comte, we are told that every science, each branch of knowledge, passes through three different theoretical conditions; the theological, or mythical; the metaphysical, or speculative; and the positive or scientific. “He
#FromtheArchives #1890 #DyerD.Lum #Egoism
#FromtheArchives #DyerD #egoism
Jacques-Antoine Vila, “Les Mémoires d’un Forçat” (1898)
A Cayenne, quelques-uns de mes camarades de chaîne et moi, ceux dont l’énergie n’était pas atteinte et éteinte par le genre de vie cruelle du terrible pénitencier nous nous étions souvent jurés, si nous parveni
#Frenchtexts #FromtheArchives #1898 #escapenarratives #Jacques-AntoineVila #penalcolonynarratives #SalvationIslands
#Frenchtexts #FromtheArchives #escapenarratives #Jacques #penalcolonynarratives #SalvationIslands
Gérard de Lacaze-Duthier
Works in the archive:
Contributions to l'en dehors:
Gerard de Lacaze-Duthiers, “Les vrais révolutionnaires,” L’En dehors 1 no. 2 (mi-Novembre 1922): 2.
Gerard de Lacaze-Duthiers, [“L’étiquette « anarchiste »…”], L'En dehors 2 no. 5 (mi-Janvier 1923): 1.
Gerard de Lacaze-Duthiers, “En médiocratie,” L'En dehors 2 no. 6 (début Févri
#FromtheArchives #GérarddeLacaze-Duthiers
#FromtheArchives #GérarddeLacaze
Margins and Problems: Beyond Philosophical Anarchism
Constructing Anarchisms
Part II—Anarchist History: Margins and Problems (An Idiosyncratic Survey)
General Resources:
Part I—Constructing an Anarchism [main page]Anarchist Beginnings archiveThe Rise and Progress of the Great Atercratic Revolution
#FromtheArchives #Workshops #Constructinganarchisms #MarginsandProblems
#FromtheArchives #workshops #Constructinganarchisms #MarginsandProblems
Enzo di Villafiore in “l’en dehors” (1924-1925)
Enzo di Villafiore, “Réalisme et idéalisme anarchiste," L'En dehors 3 no. 29/30 (20 Février 1924): 1.
Enzo di Villafiore, “L’Individualisme et l’anarchie," L'En dehors 3 no. 35 (15 Mai 1924): 4.
Enzo di Villafiori et E. Armand, "Nos 'Assoc
#FromtheArchives #E.Armand #EnzodiVillafiore #EnzoMartucci #L’En-Dehors
#FromtheArchives #e #EnzodiVillafiore #EnzoMartucci #l
E. Armand, “The plus grand danger de l’Après-Guerre” (1919)
Le plus grand danger de l'Après-Guerre
Prix: O fr. 25
Edition de l’Auteur
Le plus grand danger de l'Après-Guerre
Lorsque Henri III montra à Catherine de Médicis le cadavre du duc de Guise gisant sur le p
#FromtheArchives #1919 #E.Armand
Victor Drury in the Trenton Sunday Advertiser (1883-1886)
The Labor Question: Labor as a Polity, a Philosophy, and a Religion. A Course of Fourteen Lectures, by Victor Drury.
Victor Drury, "The Labor Question: Lecture 1," Trenton Sunday Advertiser 1 no. 7 (February 18, 1883): 2.
Victor Drury, "The Labor Question: Lecture 2," Trento
#FromtheArchives #VictorDrury