Danyl Novhorodov shows how to Build fast and safe services on his"Lightweight microservices with F# and ZeroMQ" article.#fsharp #FsAdvent @sergey_tihon @dnovhorodov
"F# in strange places: Supabase edge functions" by Kai Ito for #FsAdvent #fsharp
"Full-stack F# with charting, reactive forms, and more under 300 LOC with WebSharper" by Adam Graniczfor #FsAdvent #fsharp https://intellifactory.com/user/granicz/20221229-full-stack-fsharp-with-charting-reactive-forms-and-more-under-300-loc-with-websharper
New article published as part of #FSAdvent 2022 on using #FSharp, #MLNET and #PolyglotNotebooks for #MachineLearning in #dotnet: https://accessibleai.dev/post/mlnet_fsharp_regression/
#FsAdvent #fsharp #MLNET #polyglotnotebooks #machinelearning #dotnet
"What's new in F# 7 and some tips (with BenchmarkDotnet)" by Eriawan Kusumawardhono for #FsAdvent #fsharp https://fsharpmonologue.blogspot.com/2022/12/advent-2022-whats-new-in-f-7-and-some.html
My #FSharp post for #FSAdvent 2022 is ready to go for Friday. It won't go live until then, but it covers using ML.NET and Polyglot Notebooks to perform data science experiments in dotnet with F#.
#fsharp #FsAdvent #dotnet #techwriting #machinelearning #datascience #jupyter
"Functional, reactive Point of sale with WebSharper" by @dpego for #FsAdvent #fsharp https://dev.to/diegopego/functional-reactive-point-of-sale-with-websharper-2hce
"Sutil Oxide: A toolkit for building IDE-style web applications, using Sutil" by David Dawkins for #FsAdvent #fsharp https://github.com/davedawkins/sutil-oxide/blob/main/README.md and demo https://davedawkins.github.io/sutil-oxide/
"Using F# to help solve Wordle" by @BigX_ for #FsAdvent #fsharp https://github.com/ioancw/furry-palm-tree/blob/master/FSharp/FSharpAdvent-2022.ipynb
RT @verdonckflorian@twitter.com
"The oak sleeps in the acorn" - https://blog.nojaf.com/2022/12/22/the-oak-sleeps-in-the-acorn/
π¦π: https://twitter.com/verdonckflorian/status/1605838517019426816
RT @KyleMcMaster@twitter.com
@seangwright@twitter.com and I's contribution to the #fsharp #FsAdvent "Everything is Functions". We hope everyone in the community enjoys this post! @sergey_tihon@twitter.com
π¦π: https://twitter.com/KyleMcMaster/status/1605932992395739136
"Distance Type Provider" by @pawelstadnicki for #FsAdvent #fsharp https://dev.to/cognipla/data-literacy-with-distance-type-provider-5p9
"From Script to Scaffold in F#" by Kirk Shillingford for #FsAdvent #fsharp https://dev.to/kirkcodes/from-script-to-scaffold-in-f-1phh
"Compiling to JavaScript dynamically with WebSharper" by AndrΓ‘s JankΓ³ for #FsAdvent #Fsharp https://intellifactory.com/user/jankoa/20221223-compile-to-javascript-dynamically
"Bayesian Optimization for Performance Tuning in FSharp" by Mukund Raghav Sharma for #FsAdvent #fsharp https://github.com/MokoSan/Bayesian-Optimization-in-FSharp/blob/main/AdventSubmission.md
and I's contribution to the #fsharp #FsAdvent "Everything is Functions". We hope everyone in the community enjoys this post!
"Everything is Functions" by Kyle McMaster for #FsAdvent #fsharp https://blog.nimblepros.com/blogs/everything-is-functions/
"The oak sleeps in the acorn" - https://blog.nojaf.com/2022/12/22/the-oak-sleeps-in-the-acorn/
"F# as your first functional programming language" by Flavio Colavecchia for #FsAdvent #fsharp https://flavio.colavecchia.net/index/
New Post: "Accept Webmentions using F#, Azure Functions, and RSS"
Here's my contribution to this year's F# Advent. Thanks to @sergey_tihon for organizing it.
#fsharp #FsAdvent #dotnet #webmentions #indieweb
#fsharp #FsAdvent #dotnet #webmentions #indieweb