This is how capitalism/the stock market/ snake oil salesmen work:
Get your mark to believe you and follow your advice in how to spend their money.
Then, when the grift is about to be revealed, you cash out and disappear leaving everyone's lives in a heaping burning pile of shit. Then, set up the next grift. The idiots will line up with their money because deep down inside they believe if they make the right move at the right time *they* will be the one in charge of the grift. All while convincing themselves it's *not* a grift, it's an economy.
#FuckCapitalism and never trust a #capitalist
Pretty simple fix, but not necessarily easy.
How to kill Meta
Have you seen the movie "True Lies", starring Jamie Lee Curtis and Arnold Schwarzenegger?
There's a scene where Arnold, who is being held hostage and interrogated under a Truth serum, tells his captors exactly how he plans to kill them in the next few seconds. He follows through.
In the same spirit, I am disclosing the following to Mark Zuckerberg:
1. Legally, after what he did to FB users data, and appeared before Congress like a contrite little schoolboy, he is obligated to release a user's data to the user, if they so request.
2. I plan to create a migration path for users from FaceBook to the Fediverse. This migration path will be available at the click of a button.
3. I will take out ads, on FaceBook, to convince people to switch to the Fediverse, and offer them a one-click migration button. Pushing that button will take all your data and social network, and move it to the Fediverse, intact.
4. The Social Network is now free from the grasp of a corporation that arbitrarily censors Free Speech. Free from shady closed source algorithms that determine who sees what on the platform. Free from commercials for products that basically pollute the environment, from the factory to the landfill, for shallow consumerism. Free at last!
#Facebook #Tech #Meta #Twitter #Birdsite #FuckZuck #FuckElon #FuckCapitalism #EatTheRich #Anarchy #EFF #MarkZuckerberg #ElonMusk #TechBro #Entrepreneur #Startup #Fediverse #Mastodon #Earth #FreeSpeech
#facebook #tech #meta #twitter #birdsite #fuckzuck #FuckElon #FuckCapitalism #EatTheRich #anarchy #eff #MarkZuckerberg #elonmusk #techbro #entrepreneur #startup #fediverse #mastodon #earth #freespeech
Why are they called #producers ? They produce nothing
#strike #hollywood #unions #writers #actors #FuckCapitalism #killtherich #anarchy
#producers #strike #hollywood #Unions #writers #actors #FuckCapitalism #killtherich #anarchy
@Decentralize I've seen this happen before, not for such a large amount, but it was a #government agency pulling money from an account that the customer did not have funds in so that they could "get paid". #Banking is such a scam!
#FuckCapitalism #Capitalism #bank #banks #LegalMoneyLaundering
#government #banking #FuckCapitalism #capitalism #bank #banks #legalmoneylaundering
A friend of mine is in her 70s. She was a public school teacher for decades in San Francisco. Now she’s on the edge of homelessness and her retirement plan is suicide. This is after a life of service. #FuckCapitalism.
My husband’s company offers a $6000 signing bonus when you refer someone they hire. It’s a scam. Only higher-ups get the bonus. The good jobs are nepotism hires. It’s not about hiring excellent people. It’s about hiring workers they can exploit and pay less to. This “bonus” also removes headhunters, another job, from the equation. In this way, the company shows “growth”, which is another way of saying “increased shareholder profits”. 🤑🤢🤮
well we all just got let go because it's gonna take the org 2 months to fix the boat, at which point the sailing season will be effectively over anyway. Fuck. I don't know what I'm gonna do. #fuckcapitalism
There’s something about anarchists and animals. We anarchists love us a good animal on our #ArtOfResistance artwork.
If you want to get your fellow anarchists to “ohhh” and “ahhh” over your latest T-shirt, bookfair poster, or tote bag design, or get loads of “likes” on your latest meme, just toss a critter on there—and the cuter and more expressive, the better. Or better yet, if a certain nonhuman species is causing what Green Anarchy magazine used to call “animal uprisings”—perhaps one of the few redeeming qualities of that periodical from back in the day—then borrow their likeness for your next illustration or tattoo, and you’re sure to bring a smile to any anarchist face. Orcas, for instance, are au courant these days, and for jolly good reasons.
On a snail’s pace of a #FuckCapitalism walk today—after waiting until the “unhealthy for sensitive people” air quality index to dropped to merely “moderately” toxic to venture outdoors—I communed with chipmunks and squirrels, teenage geese, and turtles, large and small. Birds darted to and fro, as if wanting me to hear their songs up close and in stereo. And a wild bunny, with soft-looking charcoal-black fur, nibbled on bright-green grasses about six feet from my feet—after glancing up to make eye contact. People kept passing me, and even when I tried to say hello, no one replied, and most people didn’t even seem to register my presence.
Maybe that’s part of our anarchist love affair with animals. Many of them retain a far greater sociality than us humans, putting mutual aid into better practice, knowing they still need each other. And they wouldn’t so despoil their own ecosystem to the point, say, of making the air deathly dangerous.
Perhaps animals tickle our anarchist fancy so much because so many of us are both social and antisocial. We love many people but hate what certain human systems have done to this earth. We yearn for social fabrics of collective care, and busy ourselves trying to weave them, but hate how this social order rips so much apart.
(photos: stickers with, respectively, a snail and a cat hating on landlords, cops, and fascists, as seen on today’s walk on stolen Anishinaabeg lands)
#ArtOfResistance #FuckCapitalism
Yet people still support it despite poverty and class division being features, not bugs. #CapitalismSucks #CapitalismKills #FuckCapitalism #TheEmpiresMustFall
#capitalismsucks #capitalismkills #FuckCapitalism #TheEmpiresMustFall
On many a #FuckCapitalism walk (or should I say #FuckYachts walks?) through the stolen streets of Tio’tia:ke/Montreal, I’ve chanced on small, multicolored, clearly hand-crafted stickers—some torn and others faded from long exposure to the urban elements. I’ve always been drawn to them, both for their block-print style and #ArtOfResistance (or should I say #PodsOfResistance). And I’ve no idea if they preceded the now-famous orcas who are increasingly emboldened—as we ecological anarchists like to imagine—in their direct actions in defense of the earth.
Yet when I spy one of these stickers nowadays, I delight not only in what’s right in front of me. I feel deep, pure, utter, unabashed joy in conjuring up images in my mind’s eye of all the many, many anarchic artworks being made and shared on social media of rebellious orcas rising up to #MakeTotalDestroy, as it were, luxury boats. The orca memes, in fact, haven’t yet once failed to make me smile, make me laugh, and make me proud. (It is, after all, “pride month,” with pride being a riot.)
I say “proud” not because the orcas know that I and many others appreciate their (seeming) resistance. Rather, I feel proud of us humans—or at least those of us who are taking vicarious pleasure in the orcas’ self-organizing—because we’re able to break through our own sense of despair, our own increasing sense that nothing we do can stop the tsunamis of fascism and ecocide, and via our dreamy-humorous-playful memes, swim toward possibilities side by side, metaphorically, with the whales.
If some scientist finds out that the orcas’ aren’t proactively and strategically engaging in direct action, and thereby aspiring toward social and ecological transformation, who the hell and high water cares?! We’ll still have a boatload of anarchistic illustrations that can buoy us when needed—that is, when we feel the immense heaviness of these impossible times wash over us again and our hopes start to sink anew.
For now, I don’t know about you, but I’m going to keep riding the uplifting wave, thanks to the orca black bloc!
#FuckCapitalism #fuckyachts #ArtOfResistance #podsofresistance #maketotaldestroy #waterislife #oceansofresistance #makingawhaleofadifference
Books, books, books. It never ends.
#anarchism #anarchist #AnarchistReadingList #AnarchistBooks #FuckCapitalism #FuckFascism
#anarchism #Anarchist #anarchistreadinglist #anarchistbooks #FuckCapitalism #fuckfascism
If you wonder why fast food places are allowed to build so close to NZ schools here's why, it's so unsettling how they'd sell schools to corporations
#nz #newzealand #nzschool #pepsi #avondale #FuckCapitalism
#nz #newzealand #nzschool #pepsi #avondale #FuckCapitalism
On a #FuckCapitalism walk yesterday en route to a two-hour “rally” composed of poetry, music, and stories about the myriad reverberations of the Montreal housing crisis on people’s bodies and lives, I overheard some passersby debating which US city was currently suffering through the most toxic air quality because of the climate-catastrophe fires to our north. Two different friends over the past two days had already told me about Indigenous friends of theirs who’d had to evacuate from their “reserves” because their remote, unceded territories were burning.
Yet summer is brief and precious here. So numerous streets were closed off for peppy city-sponsored festivals and equally peppy consumers. Ice cream shops boasted long lines and outdoor terraces were congested with beer drinkers. Parks were full to overflowing.
I stopped for a moment, staring ahead into crowds of hundreds of people, their faces so cheerful, as if little were amiss. As if they had not a care in the world. Maybe denial is the opposite of summer here: lengthy and routine.
Then I saw the cheerful sticker, proclaiming in bright pink, “We’re fucked.”
I turned off the busy pedestrian-packed street onto a quiet residential one, where only little flowers met my gaze. They seemed far more aware of the changing ecosystem than the humans just around the corner. And here I spotted more street art, this time imploring “save the earth,” with a spray-painted heart for added encouragement. The words tried to pretty up a gray concrete wall, tucked behind some trees that were valiantly hanging on despite clear evidence of the strain of auto emissions on their health.
The two messages, barely a block apart, seemed two sides of the same coin, or to use a less economic understanding, two halves that might make a whole. We humans, our silly species that has the hubris to destroy our own habitat and thus existence, are both fucked and yet still have agency to intervene, if only to stop pretending and start engaging. That is, take direct actions to self-organize our lives to take as good care of each other as we can in whatever fucking time we have left.
Thanks for applying!
We will keep you on file for
future positions.
#haiku #FuckCapitalism #jobs #labor
New week, new chance to BURN IT DOWN. #FuckCapitalism #CapitalismKills #CapitalismSucks #TheEmpiresMustFall
#FuckCapitalism #capitalismkills #capitalismsucks #TheEmpiresMustFall
As time goes on it becomes more clear that we are living in the worst timeline:
- Climate is totally fucked;
- Ecomnomic system only serves the rich;
- Politics is more and more infested with facist pigs;
- Police state is ubiquitous.
Did I miss anything 🙄 :af:
#FuckPolice #FuckCapitalism #fuckwork