Of COURSE the motherfuckers did. But not at High Park Library, where I am chilling with about 90 of my closest pals.
And now Gila Munster is out safely.
So toodles.
#FuckFascists #AlertaAlertaAntifascista
#DragDefence #DragDefense #DragStoryTime #DragDefenders #FuckHomophobes #FuckHomophobia #FuckTransphobia
#WhoKeepsUsSafe #CommunityDefence #FashWatch #FashWatchCanada #PoliceDontKeepUsSafe
#FuckFascists #AlertaAlertaAntifascista #dragdefence #dragdefense #DragStoryTime #dragdefenders #fuckhomophobes #fuckhomophobia #fucktransphobia #whokeepsussafe #CommunityDefence #fashwatch #fashwatchcanada #policedontkeepussafe
Now you want to take me down,
As if I even care
I am the monster in your head,
And I thought you'd learn by now
It seems you haven't yet,
I am the venom in your skin
And now your life
Is broken
After the lights go out on you,
After your worthless life is through,
I will remember how you scream,
I can't afford to care,
I can't afford to care.
#music #breakingbenjamin #FuckFascists
Fasistit riehuvat #brasilia:ssa ja yrittÀvÀt vallankaappausta. Lula on turvassa ja hallitus ei edes ole tÀnÀÀn istumassa, joten tÀmÀ oli lÀhinnÀ sÀÀlittÀvÀ yritys vandalisoida, eikÀ juuri muuta. #fuckfascism #FuckFascists
#brasilia #fuckfascism #FuckFascists
#FuckFascists #antifa #brazilie #brasil #fucknazis #fcknzs
tim pool should be sued for libel, this is fucking disgusting. #FUCKFASCISTS
I hope all goes well in your case. But what about these MSI-fascists running Italy who tell the public they are not fascists?
#fuckmeloni #FuckFascists #transrightsNOW
There is a lot of talk about some drama going on with certain centralized social media outlets - but let's refocus on what really matters:
#FuckTerfs :progresspride_flag:, #FuckFascists :antifa:, Fuck anti-semites/racists :blm:, #FuckWeb3 :blobshibewink:
Let's make the internet curious, educational, helpful, diverse, fun, and friendly. Let's break this thing into millions of new pieces and realize it's true potential, not the monetized version it has become!
#fuckterfs #FuckFascists #fuckweb3
Remember kids-- every time you vote, a fascist cries.
#defendDemocracy #antifascism #Vote #USA #fuckNazis #fuckFascists
#defenddemocracy #antifascism #Vote #usa #fucknazis #FuckFascists
Build face-to-face relationships with the poor, the #workingclass, the rural, the middleclass, the old, the youth, etc. Be there for people
#therealnewsnetwork #trnn #TheRiseOfTheRight #HowDoWeDefeatTheFarRight #farright #extremedroite #nonazis #FuckFascists #workingclass