Gigi · @Gigi
187 followers · 587 posts · Server

December 20th Edition

It's been a busy few days for Caryma Ng'o. Some of it's hilarious, but some of it manages to be deeply concerning.

🚮 Crashed not one BUT TWO all-ages drag events, bringing her own fash to one to make sure there was enough conflict;

🚮 Lied about multiple incidents to make herself the victim -- no silicone rods were involved sadly (but should definitely make an appearance soon);

↙️↙️↙️ Doxxed a bunch of antifascists and got two of their names and photos circling on fashy networks (see attached photo);

🚮 Created a poll meant to elicit sympathy from her followership, but instead exposed just how small a percentage of her followers are actually NOT bots;

🚮 Blamed antifa for buying bots to ruin her poll 🤷🏾‍♀️;

🚮 Retweeted a post that I had originally missed suggesting that @CaptainCanuck and I took down Ryerson's statue -- like that would do ANYTHING but ENHANCE my reputation;

↙️↙️↙️ Is currently retweeting fash -- which one in specific, Josh?

❓️Did I miss any of the highlights of her bullshit, anyone?

‼️Note! This post is public; but feel free to change privacy levels on replies.

#FuckTheFash #AlertaAlertaAntifascista #antifa #carymango #doxxing #DragShows #DragStoryTime #whokeepsussafe

Last updated 2 years ago

Gigi · @Gigi
171 followers · 515 posts · Server

So, uh, I have been promising myself that I would "behave" over here and mostly yell at Nazis and shitlibs on the Nazi hellsite, but yeah... that's about to go out the window.

I apologize in advance for all the swearing. HA! No I don't! Fuck that!

Canadian antifascists:
We have got to get a LOT more aggressive with the merely Nazi-adjacent. The entertactivism bullshit needs to be thwarted EVERY TIME. Film the grifters. Expose them to their shitlib audiences that somehow believe they are neutral and just "exposing" the left and the right.

They are putting activists in danger to LINE THEIR OWN POCKETS.

Fuck that. Fuck them.
Film the police. Film them.
Do NOT film each other.

Never let them control the narrative.
Good work in Brockville today.

#FuckTheFash #fuckshitlibs #fuckthepolice #fuckhomopobia

Last updated 2 years ago

Hannah Copestake · @internetnerdgrl
437 followers · 278 posts · Server

The world is a dark old place right now, but it's been so wonderful seeing trans councillors elected for the Scottish Greens in Glasgow and Labour in Plymouth and London. Extremely heartening.

The Tories, Alba, the Scottish Family Party, ISP all getting trounced is a pretty nice little cherry on the top too!

#ukpol #FuckTheFash #TransLiberationNow

Last updated 3 years ago