Anyone have a creative idea for how to tell a head hunter for a defense contractor to fuck off?
#FuckDoD #FuckTheMilitary
Army recruiters approached a man in a full duck costume flipping a car wash sign in 96-degree heat. They offered him 35k and a job. He told them to fuck off.
#FuckTheMilitary #FuckTheArmy
University of Michigan Career Fair Disrupted Over Military Recruiters
"On Wednesday February 9, 2023, the University of Michigan welcomed a variety of military and government recruiters into its Career Fair in Ann Arbor. ... Multiple people pushed passed the registration desk carrying banners that said “Stop Camp Grayling” and chanting “No prisons, no borders, fuck your law and order” ... Another group sprayed red food coloring on the NSA and U.S. Navy displays, and were then detained for several hours while the U of M police refused to give information about their whereabouts or status to concerned friends and supporters. They were eventually released ..."
#StopCampGrayling #Michigan #AntiMilitarism #FuckTheMilitary #Anarchism
#StopCampGrayling #michigan #antimilitarism #FuckTheMilitary #anarchism
Today in
It Most Certainly CAN Happen Here:
Defence firms and other companies were given almost $10 million to develop new ways to analyze social media and sift through accounts.
Six months after National Defence claimed it was shutting down efforts to collect social media data of Canadians, the military was back again developing new technology to accomplish such tasks.
#PoliceState #BigBrother #FuckThePolice #FuckTheMilitary #StateControl #Dystopia #LyingLiarsWhoLie
#policestate #bigbrother #fuckthepolice #FuckTheMilitary #StateControl #dystopia #lyingliarswholie
(Consolidated from 1991)
#fallthemedmusic #nothankyouforyourservice #FuckTheMilitary
I've made many, many mistakes in my life, but in my favor, I still hate every fucking member of the Bush Clan.
#FuckTheMilitary #nothankyouforyourservice #fallthemedmusic
Shame on me for overlooking this one last year. (Yeah, it's Dylan but whatever. What's good is good. That's all.)
#fallthemedmusic #nothankyouforyourservice #FuckTheMilitary
(The Textones from 1984)
#FuckTheMilitary #nothankyouforyourservice #fallthemedmusic