"People, where their God is money, they just don't care. " Absolutely. That 2/3 of all American hospitals sue patients to recoup losses is absolutely barbaric. Then again, this is America, where everything can be commodified. If there is a will, there is a way. Crushing the poorest Americans in hopes of getting maybe some real estate you can flip is just the icing on the cake. The healthcare system needs to be burned to the goddamn ground, and the leadership hanged.

#healthcareindustrialcomplex #debtplease #FuckThePoor #burnittotheground #NoWarButClassWar

Last updated 1 year ago

Gigi · @Gigi
106 followers · 378 posts · Server

Paralympian trying to get wheelchair ramp says Veterans Affairs employee offered her assisted dying

"Retired Cpl. Christine Gauthier, who has been trying to get a wheelchair ramp installed at her home for the past five years, testified on Thursday that a caseworker told her that they could give her assisted dying, even offering to supply the MAID equipment for her."

#disability #FuckThePoor #DisabledFedi

Last updated 2 years ago