@Phil really good black pill article.

I notice there is no VIABLE answer suggested in the article.

Jack Kerwick says, ROLL OVER AND DIE, conservatives! Just give up! Abandon all hope!

. We ain't built that way.


Last updated 3 years ago

· @metztli
0 followers · 2019 posts · Server tenochtitlan.city

Just like [and IF] the USA took down its own 'spawn', , in , , 'Murica may as well take down its own at *if* doing so advances the hegemon's insatiable agenda. Both ...er, spawn, were specifically created as a means to accomplish specific interests (international oil in these two cases) of their USAnglo- masters --yet are expendable agents.

#Baghdadi #Idlib #Syria #spawn #Guaido #Venezuela #oil #plundering #scum #banditry #ZioNazi #FuckYouJack

Last updated 5 years ago