En esta imagen de #Sentinel2🇪🇺🛰️ del 28 de julio aparece el volcán de Fuego, en #Guatemala 🇬🇹
El volcán de #Fuego lleva en erupción desde enero de 2002 🌋.
Las explosiones con emisiones de ceniza y flujos de lava han persistido desde 2018.
@CopernicusEU ⬇️
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Copernicus EU: Pictured in this #Sentinel2🇪🇺🛰️ image from 28 July is the Fuego volcano, in #Guatemala🇬🇹
Fuego is one of 3 large stratovolcanoes overlooking the city of Antigua and has been erupting since January 2002 🌋
Explosions with ash emissions and lava flows have persisted since 2018
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/UEGuatemala/status/1686820768884158464
RT @m_parrington: Plume of high total column sulphur dioxide (SO2) following the eruption of #Fuego volcano🌋 #Guatemala🇬🇹 in the #CopernicusAtmosphere analysis, assimilating GOME-2 & Tropomi🛰️ observations, valid for 5 May 00 UTC. Latest charts https://atmosphere.copernicus.eu/charts/packages/cams/products/sulphur-dioxide-forecasts?layer_name=composition_so2_totalcolumn&projection=classical_central_america Data https://ads.atmosphere.copernicus.eu/cdsapp#!/dataset/cams-global-atmospheric-composition-forecasts?tab=overview https://t.co/rlWKDMWgfw
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/CopernicusEU/status/1654464363330428929
#Fuego #Guatemala #CopernicusAtmosphere
#Copernicus para el monitoreo de volcanes
Las laderas del volcán de #Fuego 🌋 en #Guatemala están visibles y cubiertas por lava o lahares.
La anomalía térmica en el cráter de la cumbre del volcán activo es visible en la imagen del satélite #Sentinel2🇪🇺🛰 del 28 de febrero.
RT @CopernicusEU: #Copernicus for #volcano monitoring
The slopes of the #Fuego volcano🌋 in #Guatemala 🇬🇹 are bare and completely covered by lava or lahars
The thermal anomaly at the summit …
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/UEGuatemala/status/1632110017187913729
#Copernicus #Fuego #Guatemala #Sentinel2 #volcano
#Copernicus for #volcano monitoring
The slopes of the #Fuego volcano🌋 in #Guatemala 🇬🇹 are bare and completely covered by lava or lahars
The thermal anomaly at the summit crater of the very active volcano is visible in this #Sentinel2 🇪🇺🛰️ image acquired on 28 February
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/CopernicusEU/status/1631943373916340224
#Copernicus #volcano #Fuego #Guatemala #Sentinel2
#Copernicus for #volcano monitoring
A moderate activity of the #Fuego volcano🌋 (#Guatemala 🇬🇹) is ongoing
⬇️ The thermal anomaly (infrared signature) at the summit crater is visible in the #Sentinel2 🇪🇺🛰️ images acquired between 10 November and yesterday 15 December
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/CopernicusEU/status/1604095314453008385
#Copernicus #volcano #Fuego #Guatemala #Sentinel2
#Fuego #volcano (Guatemala): increased explosive activity culminated in pyroclastic flows, new lava flow - An intense effusive activity at the volcano began in the night of 2 July.
<b>A new lava flow</b> started to descend towards ...
#Fuego #volcano (Guatemala): increased explosive activity culminated in pyroclastic flows, new lava flow - An intense effusive activity at the volcano began in the night of 2 July.
<b>A new lava flow</b> started to descend towards ...
July 4, 2022, ~ Pyroclastic Flow ~ Volcan De Fuego, Guatemala #volcano #fuego #guatemala
While the United States was celebrating Independence Day, the Fuego volcano erupted in Guatemala.
The intense effusive activity of the volcano began on the night of July 2.
July 4, 2022, ~ Pyroclastic Flow ~ Volcan De Fuego, Guatemala #volcano #fuego #guatemala
While the United States was celebrating Independence Day, the Fuego volcano erupted in Guatemala.
The intense effusive activity of the volcano began on the night of July 2.