Gary · @empiricism
333 followers · 2367 posts · Server

The photo shows the result of, the effects of, cooperative & altruistic human behaviours (""helping" one another")

If humans didn't cooperate, villages, towns & cites would not exist.

The photo is the result of many organisms (colloquially termed "human", "people", "mother", " baby", "grandfather" etc) that are social animals.

From the evolutionary perspective, 'kin selection', 'reciprocity', 'social reputation' are a few of the dominant theoretical concepts of why people evolved cooperative & altruistic behavioural psychologies.

However, this town does not consist of people cooperating to live sustainable lifestyles. Most of the energy for this town is produced by burning fossil & wood fuels.

Walk into this town, or the local villages, and you will smell smoke pollution. The reason why these cultures are still poisoning their air is actually very simple. The majority of the people do not hear that their way of living is harming their health.

They are living in social echo chambers where subjects, such as smoke pollution, are not discussed. The media they are exposed to doesn't educate them about how their open coal fire places, or wood stoves, are harming their health. In fact, quite the opposite, the media they are exposed to promotes the use of wood & coal fuel. That promotion may come directly from the fuel industries, for instance, the wood fuels industry posts leaflets to the houses in the areas, or that promotion maybe less explicit. For instance, watching a 'reality tv' where the house has a woodstove, etc. The point is, "they" (the average person) don't talk about air pollution round here.

And then you hear that Mrs "Smith" has died of a stroke & she was "only 65". Or that Mrs Jones baby has "breathing problems' (E.g., Asthma attacks).

Mrs Smith or Jones who lives at that typical house, in that typical small village, that l remember because it always stinks of smoke when l pass by.

But, l couldn't warn Mrs Smith or Jones that the air they were inhaling day after day, was damaging their health - because they probably couldn't understand my warnings & would feel threatened. Therefore, my warnings would 'back fire' & Mrs Smith & Jones would have double downed on their denial about their "beloved" fireplace or wood stoves.

And that's why l despise the lying fuel industries. For selling people toxic products using propaganda (I.e., greenwash).

The fossil fuel industries greenwashed cultures about the science of climate change & air pollution. And that greenwash took the form of psychological 'warfare'. Your average consumer had know way to know right from wrong - because the majority of the information they were exposed to was propaganda (not the science). They were, and some cultures are, awash with greenwash.

#health #airpollution #psychology #mentalhealth #climatechange #FuelIndustres #coal #WoodFuel #bigoil #corruption #disinformation #greenwash

Last updated 2 years ago

Gary · @empiricism
333 followers · 2367 posts · Server

The photo shows the result of, the effects of, cooperative & altruistic human behaviours (""helping" one another")

If humans didn't cooperate, villages, towns & cites would not exist.

The photo is the result of many organisms (colloquially termed "human", "people", "mother", " baby", "grandfather" etc) that are social animals.

From the evolutionary perspective, 'kin selection', 'reciprocity', 'social reputation' are a few of the dominant theoretical concepts of why people evolved cooperative & altruistic behavioural psychologies.

However, this town does not consist of people cooperating to live sustainable lifestyles. Most of the energy for this town is produced by burning fossil & wood fuels.

Walk into this town, or the local villages, and you will smell smoke pollution. The reason why these cultures are still poisoning their air is actually very simple. The majority of the people do not hear that their way of living is harming their health.

They are living in social echo chambers where subjects, such as smoke pollution, are not discussed. The media they are exposed to doesn't educate them about how their open coal fire places, or wood stoves, are harming their health. In fact, quite the opposite, the media they are exposed to promotes the use of wood & coal fuel. That promotion may come directly from the fuel industries, for instance, the wood fuels industry posts leaflets to the houses in the areas, or that promotion maybe less explicit. For instance, watching a 'reality tv' where the house has a woodstove, etc. The point is, "they" (the average person) don't talk about air pollution round here.

And then you hear that Mrs "Smith" has died of a stroke & she was "only 65". Or that Mrs Jones baby has "breathing problems' (E.g., Asthma attacks).

Mrs Smith or Jones who lives at that typical house, in that typical small village, that l remember because it always stinks of smoke when l pass by.

But, l couldn't warn Mrs Smith or Jones that the air they were inhaling day after day, was damaging their health - because they probably couldn't understand my warnings & would feel threatened. Therefore, my warnings would 'back fire' & Mrs Smith & Jones would have double downed on their denial about their "beloved" fireplace or wood stoves.

And that's why l despise the lying fuel industries. For selling people toxic products using propaganda (I.e., greenwash).

The fossil fuel industries greenwashed cultures about the science of climate change & air pollution. And that greenwash took the form of psychological 'warfare'. Your average consumer had not way to know right from wrong - because the majority of the information they were exposed to was propaganda (not the science)

#psychology #mentalhealth #FuelIndustres #coal #WoodFuel #bigoil #corruption #disinformation #greenwash #health #airpollution #climatechange

Last updated 2 years ago

Gary · @empiricism
333 followers · 2367 posts · Server

The photo shows the result of, the effects of, cooperative & altruistic human behaviours (""helping" one another")

If humans didn't cooperate, villages, towns & cites would not exist.

The photo is the result of many organisms (colloquially termed "human", "people", "mother", " baby", "grandfather" etc) that are social animals.

From the evolutionary perspective, 'kin selection', 'reciprocity', 'social reputation' are a few of the dominant theoretical concepts of why people evolved cooperative & altruistic behavioural psychologies.

However, this town does not consist of people cooperating to live sustainable lifestyles. Most of the energy for this town is produced by burning fossil & wood fuels.

Walk into this town, or the local villages, and you will smell smoke pollution. The reason why these cultures are still poisoning their air is actually very simple. The majority of the people do not hear that their way of living is harming their health.

They are living in social echo chambers where subjects, such as smoke pollution, are not discussed. The media they are exposed to doesn't educate them about how their open coal fire places, or wood stoves, are harming their health. In fact, quite the opposite, the media they are exposed to promotes the use of wood & coal fuel. That promotion may come directly from the fuel industries, for instance, the wood fuels industry posts leaflets to the houses in the areas, or that promotion maybe less explicit. For instance, watching a 'reality tv' where the house has a woodstove, etc. The point is, "they" (the average person) don't talk about air pollution round here.

And then you hear that Mrs "Smith" has died of a stoke & she was "only 65". Or that Mrs Jones baby has "breathing problems' (E.g., Asthmatic attacks).

Mrs Smith or Jones who lives at that typical house, in that typical small village, that l remember because it always stinks of smoke when l pass by.

But, l couldn't warn Mrs Smith or Jones that the air they were inhaling day after day, was damaging their health - because they probably couldn't understand my warnings & would feel threatened. Therefore, my warnings would 'back fire' & Mrs Smith & Jones would have double downed on their denial about their "beloved" fireplace or wood stoves.

And that's why l despise the lying fuel industries. For selling people toxic products using propaganda (I.e., greenwash).

#coal #WoodFuel #bigoil #disinformation #psychology #health #mentalhealth #airpollution #climatechange #FuelIndustres #corruption #greenwash

Last updated 2 years ago