RT 湖湘共和國 the Republic of Fuhsiang
Today is our National Day, marking the 101th Anniversary of the promulgation of Constitution. #Fuhsiangria officially declared its independence from the Qing Empire on October 22, 1911.
RT 湖湘爱国者联盟 Fuhsiangrian Patriot League
嗨!湖湘共和国在这里,@RFuhsiang 但毛主席是湘奸,翻不了案的。
We advocate the independence of Hunan #Fuhsiangria from the colonization of Communist China.
RT 湖湘爱国者联盟 Fuhsiangrian Patriot League
1911年10月22日,湖湘独立日。混成协新军起义,夺回中华大清帝国在长沙城内的殖民据点,军政府宣告 #湖湘独立
On October 22, 1911, the Hunan/Fuhsiang people expelled Manchu Chinese, declaring #fuhsiangria independence from the Qing Empire, a milestone for #Fuhsiangrian against China.
#湖湘独立 #Fuhsiangria #Fuhsiangrian