RT 湖湘爱国者联盟 Fuhsiangrian Patriot League
湖湘尼亚人们认为:粉饰的安定不在,混乱咫尺之遥。湘人必须 #备盐结社武装 #湖湘独立唯一出路 ,不必担忧,为自己为湖湘问心无愧。
Looking ahead: there is no question of Chinese authoritarian, no China exists. Only how we survive the continuous chaos, #Fuhsiangrian must form groups.
#备盐结社武装 #湖湘独立唯一出路 #Fuhsiangrian
RT 湖湘爱国者联盟 Fuhsiangrian Patriot League
Dear Secretary,
We would like to remind the world that in 1989 against the rule of the Chinese Communist Party took place not only in Beijing, but in Hunan. The people of Hunan ahead the era against Beijing's tyranny, #Fuhsiangrian made sacrifices. They devoted.
RT 湖湘爱国者联盟 Fuhsiangrian Patriot League
Greetings to you from #Fuhsiangrian. We care about our families, friends, villages, country. We value dignity in our lives. We are braver, kinder than the colonizers. Freedom is for us.
RT 湖湘爱国者联盟 Fuhsiangrian Patriot League
海内外湘人的身份 #Fuhsiangrian 在于声明:我们跟中国人华人不一样;我们没有被仇恨和冷漠统治。这种政治声明需要用行为来证明,也就是湘人不可能是中国人,芬兰人不是俄罗斯人。
#Fuhsiangrian #备盐结社武装 #湖湘独立唯一出路
RT 湖湘爱国者联盟 Fuhsiangrian Patriot League
Not a shamed that you're Chinese, what a pity. We choose not to be Chinese, Chinese is a political identity, not an ethnic identity. Most of the 1.4 billion Chinese support policies of the Chinese Communist Party.
We, #Fuhsiangrian, are not Chinese.
RT 湖湘爱国者联盟 Fuhsiangrian Patriot League
1911年10月22日,湖湘独立日。混成协新军起义,夺回中华大清帝国在长沙城内的殖民据点,军政府宣告 #湖湘独立
On October 22, 1911, the Hunan/Fuhsiang people expelled Manchu Chinese, declaring #fuhsiangria independence from the Qing Empire, a milestone for #Fuhsiangrian against China.
#湖湘独立 #Fuhsiangria #Fuhsiangrian