Nuovi doc Foreign Office #UK sull'Op #Gladio, tra questi il rif. al promemoria del Rappr Permanente d'#Italia alla #NATO Francesco #Fulci dove rivela che le armi usate in alcuni atti terroristici durante strategia tensione provenivano dai depositi di Gladio #Confidential 1991
#uk #gladio #italia #nato #Fulci #confidential
Watching #fulci The Beyond on Sky Stream uncut on Amazon Prime. How times have changed. 30 years ago I might have got a prison sentence for importing it
Any #Fulci fans with a few hundred quid burning a hole in their pockets fancy treating themselves for Christmas?
Mint condition, book hasn't even been opened.
Sticking a few bits on eBay today, but this is by far the most precious to me.
#Fulci #videonasties #fabpress #giallo