Hey everybody. This is a ton of work posting a full novel on Mastodon. Please boost when you read so I know wsomeone is there! @TheMangaCowboy #FullFlightNovel
Buckle up cowboys and Ccowgals!
Time for something probably never seen before on Mastodon.
@TheMangaCowboy is going next tweet live on the first ever #lightnovel dedicated to #discgolf right here on #mastodonmigrant
If you want to read one of the the craziest #webnovel or #webseries tune in on right now, before it's #manga or #webtoon, go to my handle @TheMangaCowboy and lets see if Mastodon is ready to handle hundreds and hundreds of toots in a #tootstorm
#tootstorm #webtoon #manga #webseries #webnovel #FullFlightNovel #mastodonmigrant #discgolf #lightnovel
[Neo] Hey @TheMangaCowboy , you're mixed up! Thanksgiving isn't tomorrow! You don't need another week to blast the update! Aren't you next tweet live? NOT next week live!
[Cowboy] Uh! My bad! I'll drop the big scene THIS weekend!
#DiscGolf #lightnovel #FullFlightNovel #writer #MastodonLiterature
#MastodonLiterature #writer #FullFlightNovel #lightnovel #discgolf
[Neo] Hey @TheMangaCowboy, you're mixed up! Thanksgiving isn't tomorrow! You don't need another week to blast the update! Aren't you next tweet live? NOT next week live!
[Cowboy] Uh! My bad! I'll drop the big scene THIS weekend!
#DiscGolf #lightnovel #FullFlightNovel
#writer #MastodonLiternature
#MastodonLiternature #writer #FullFlightNovel #lightnovel #discgolf
Discs will fly
Chains will ring
Stupid jokes will be made
Swords will be drawn
The Wintop Platinum course is almost ready!
The world's first #DiscGolf #lightnovel #FullFlightNovel
qualifying tournament will be "next tweet live" on Thanksgiving night!
A qualifier like no other!
#MastodonLiterature #FullFlightNovel #lightnovel #discgolf
Tune in on Thanksgiving, when the last arc of #lightnovel #FullFlightNovel will be dropped live here on Mastodon.
#webseries #webnovel #manga #manhwa fans tune on for some #twitterture #MastodonLiterature
This is the real thing! Over 200K readers on Twitter!
#MastodonLiterature #twitterture #manhwa #manga #webnovel #webseries #FullFlightNovel #lightnovel
Tune on on Thanksgiving to catch the buzz. 200K readers on #twitter of #lightnovel #FullFlightNovel from the carzed dreams of @TheMangaCowboy
#FullFlightNovel #lightnovel #twitter
You can read the first two arcs of #lightnovel Full Flight on #twitter live right now. Just go to the same handle on #twitter @TheMangaCowboy .
The rip roaring 3rd and final arc will be posted here on Mastodon starting Thanksgiving night!
#MastodonLiterature #MastodonNovel #twitterture #FullFlightNovel #twitter #lightnovel
This work Full Flight by TheMangaCowboy is the worlds first #discgolf #lightnovel. The work will eventually be transformed into a #manga or #manhwa and an #anime series in the future.
It's all free. It's all for you. Tune in on #Mastodon if #twitter is no longer for you.
#FullFlightNovel #twitter #mastodon #anime #manhwa #manga #lightnovel #discgolf
Hey there cowboys and cowgals. TheMangaCowboy will experiment with posting the next arc of #lightnovel #FullFlightNovel right here on #Mastodon for those who are abandoning #twitter. It will be a lot of work to post both, but as long as there are readers here on #Mastodon, I'll do it for you!
If you want to read of the the craziest #webnovel or #webseries tune in on Thanksgiving night right here!
Happy trails, @TheMangaCowboy
#webseries #webnovel #twitter #mastodon #FullFlightNovel #lightnovel