Happy anniversary to the Pet Shop Boys single, “Minimal”. Released this week in 2006. #petshopboys #psb #petheads #fundamental #minimal #inprivate #blueonblue #notimefortears
#petshopboys #psb #petheads #Fundamental #minimal #inprivate #blueonblue #notimefortears
#DunkleIsNowPlaying 🎶
by Puya
Listen here: https://song.link/https://music.apple.com/us/album/trinidad/1443108200?i=1443108864&uo=4&app=music
#music #metal #Fundamental #puya #dunkleisnowplaying #nowplaying
"@historickomodo submission: “Salvador Allende didn’t die for this shit.”
For newbies playing along at home, this #meme circulates all over the place on #liberal pages, and it’s filled with #contradictory pieces of #ideology. Firstly, one can’t really be a #capitalist and a #socialist at the same time – if you support capitalist #ownership over the means of #production, then you support capitalism; if you support #democratic ownership over the means of production, where people have a say in the #institutions and #activities they contribute to, then you support socialism. I don’t know how to make it more succinct than that. Also, #communism is the post-scarcity natural conclusion of socialism, a #stateless/ #moneyless/ #classless #society where #socially-operated #property is held in common and #people “contribute according to their #abilities and receive according to their #needs”; #statelessness is a #fundamental aspect of the ideology, ergo a #totalitarian #government “forcing everybody to be exactly equal” is not communism.
Secondly, channeling government power to curb capitalism’s self-destructive excesses is merely Keynesian #welfare capitalism or Scandinavian social democracy, both of which try to use the state to mitigate structural tension within the parameters of the system (and all-too-often to wither away class consciousness and pushes for actual socialist change).
Thirdly and lastly, “the #economy and society being run democratically to meet #human needs rather than #profit for a #greedy few” is literally socialism. Capitalism by definition will always have a tiny class of owners pulling the #economic and #political strings; as long as they own the means of production and accrue profit off the backs of the #laboring class, they will always, always have disproportionate power in society. Such is the #nature of class relations – throughout history, laboring classes have produced the things society needs while ruling classes have sat and accrued the most #wealth. If labor produces all, why not have a society democratically run by #laborers?"
#meme #liberal #contradictory #ideology #capitalist #socialist #ownership #production #democratic #institutions #activities #communism #stateless #moneyless #classless #society #socially #Property #people #abilities #needs #statelessness #Fundamental #totalitarian #government #Welfare #economy #human #profit #greedy #economic #political #laboring #nature #wealth #laborers
Happy anniversary to the Pet Shop Boys’ album, ‘Fundamental’. Released this week in in 2006. #petshopboys #pettext #psbcatalogue #fundamental #imwithstupid #minimal #numb #integral
#petshopboys #pettext #psbcatalogue #Fundamental #imwithstupid #minimal #numb #integral
I'd like to remind that #J6 was not a real #coup. There was never any intention or the ability to retain #power. It was; however, a #political stunt. It was an example for the #future. An example for all those #kids hugging their #war #weapons in their rooms between deranged screen time, church and medications. It was a mock to prove it's possible here, a beta testing for #psyops producers. Showing Q and all the other wingnut spin factions can be activated. The same types of means were used that got humans to mass machete hack each other to #death in Rwanda. That's the threat to our union. The instigation of deep social division using the #dehumanization of the other. A proven fascists weapon that, if you are not mindful, can end up in your own hand. A hard divided nation is best for the #duopoly. Sadly our #hacked #system #addicted #leaders would rather hold office in declining #dysfunction than risk the loss of #power and position working for desperately needed #fundamental #change for a #viable #future.
#J6 #coup #power #political #future #kids #war #weapons #psyops #death #dehumanization #duopoly #hacked #system #addicted #leaders #dysfunction #Fundamental #change #Viable
#Unilever #settles #Ben & #Jerry’s #lawsuit over #sales in #occupied #Palestinian #territory
"Ben & Jerry’s position is clear: the sale of #products bearing any Ben & Jerry’s #insignia in the Occupied Palestinian Territory is against our values. Such sales are inconsistent with #international #law, #fundamental #human #rights, and Ben & Jerry’s #social #mission,"
#unilever #settles #ben #jerry #lawsuit #sales #occupied #palestinian #territory #products #Insignia #international #law #Fundamental #human #rights #social #mission #middle #east #israel
#Unilever #settles #Ben & #Jerry’s #lawsuit over #sales in #occupied #Palestinian #territory
"Ben & Jerry’s position is clear: the sale of #products bearing any Ben & Jerry’s #insignia in the Occupied Palestinian Territory is against our values. Such sales are inconsistent with #international #law, #fundamental #human #rights, and Ben & Jerry’s #social #mission,"
#unilever #settles #ben #jerry #lawsuit #sales #occupied #palestinian #territory #products #Insignia #international #law #Fundamental #human #rights #social #mission
What are we ultimately made up of? What are the #Fundamental #Building Blocks of the #universe | Ancient people thought we are made up of four ‘elements’ – water, earth, fire and air; which we know are not elements and there are now some 118 elements. All elements are made up of #atoms which were once thought to be indivisible but by early twentieth century........
#Fundamental #building #universe #atoms
Angesichts der #Zirkularität von #Theorien gerät aus dem #Blick, dass der #normative #Individualismus als #globale #sozialphilosophische #Legitimationstheorie #fundamental #unzulänglich ist.
#Pladoyer für das #Herausarbeiten der #elementaren #normativen #Haltlosigkeit des #bestehenden #Rechtszustandes;
#Was #tun
Marietta #Auer - Zum #Erkenntnisziel der #Rechtstheorie; #Würzburger #Vorträge zur #Rechtsphilosophie, #Rechtstheorie und #Rechtssoziologie; S. 39ff.
#Zirkularität #theorie #blick #normativ #Individualismus #global #sozialphilosophisch #Legitimationstheorie #Fundamental #unzulänglich #Pladoyer #Herausarbeiten #elementar #Haltlosigkeit #bestehend #Rechtszustand #was #tun #Normativität #nihilismus #Auer #Erkenntnisziel #Rechtstheorie #würzburg #vorträge #Rechtsphilosophie #Rechtssoziologie
#These von #Agamben: #Ausnahmezustand rückt als #fundamental(e) #politisch(e) #Struktur in den #Vordergrund und #droht zur #Regel zu werden.
Was haben #Krieg und #Seuche(n) #gemeinsam? Es handelt sich jeweils um #Phänomen(e) #soziale(r) #Umwelt. (So?)
Giorgio #Agamben: #Homo #Sacer, Die #souverän(e) #Macht und das #nackt(e) #Leben, S.30
#these #Agamben #ausnahmezustand #Fundamental #politisch #struktur #Vordergrund #droht #regel #krieg #seuche #gemeinsam #phänomen #soziale #umwelt #homo #Sacer #Souverän #macht #nackt #leben
#Posthumanismus als #Regime des #computabel(n).
Mit allem #rechnen. #Transformation von #Wissensordnung(en) und #Wissenspraktik(en) in ein neues #kulturell(es) #Selbstverständnis.
#Wider dem #Anthropozentrismus // #Hierarchie und #Abgrenzung // #Ökologisch(e) #Verbundenheit aller #Dinge // #Fundamental(e) #Relationalität aller #Materialität // #Frage nach #Implikation(en) für... #Bildung #Forschung #?
#Posthumanismus #regime #computabel #rechnen #transformation #Wissensordnung #Wissenspraktik #kulturell #Selbstverständnis #Wider #Anthropozentrismus #hierarchie #abgrenzung #ökologisch #Verbundenheit #Dinge #Fundamental #Relationalität #Materialität #frage #Implikation #bildung #forschung