#FungiFriday - chicken of the woods mushroom that has partially grown around a #cicada husk! Just thought it was a cool find.
Campus toadstool snaps - The fly amanitas are the first I’ve seen this season. (Fly amanitas in our region are usually the yellow-orange ‘guessowii’ variety shown here. One of these ones is also my first “cheeky” mushroom sighting of the season). The other, larger toadstool appears to be a “Penny Bun” bolete.
#mushtodon #FungiFriday #amanitas
I found a Northern Tooth (Climacodon septentrionalis) when I was out today. #FungiFriday #fungi
A recent shot for #FungiFriday. A house on my walking route lost two of their beautiful old trees to a bug infestation.
They've turned the stumps into planters. It seems the mushies have taken notice as well.
Not an even trade, but not a bad one.
#Fungi #Fungiverse #Sporerespondence #Mushtodon #iPhonePhotography #Photography #NaturePhotography
#FungiFriday #fungi #fungiverse #sporerespondence #mushtodon #iphonephotography #photography #naturephotography
I'm finding a lot of different mushrooms in the garden now, like this pretty thing: Fairy Fingers (Clavaria fragilis), aka Worm-like Coral (C. vermicularis).
They grow in "old, unimproved grasslands which is a fitting description of our lawn.
#nature #naturephotography #mushrooms #FungiFriday
Eigentlich wollte ich wandern,doch mein Radl fing an zu quengeln und wollte unbedingt mit.🙂
Naja,dann ging es ein bisschen durch den Wald,wo ich nur ein paar Fotos machen wollte.Doch so schnell konnte ich garnicht schauen,plötzlich war ich von unzähligen Rotfuß-Röhrlingen umzingelt.😉
Und alle sangen das Lied:
"Dass ich ein Röhrling bin,
dass weiss doch jedes Kind."🙃
#FungiFreitag #FungiFriday
bolete ? milkcap ? brittlegill ?
not sure
#scotland #photography #nature #fungi #FungiFriday
cauliflower fungus
#scotland #photography #nature #FungiFriday
🇳🇱 Goedemorgen en een fijne dag gewenst. Voor wie het nodig heeft: beterschap, voor wie jarig is: gefeliciteerd. #ErgensInDePolder
🇩🇪 Guten Morgen und ich wünsche Ihnen einen schönen Tag. Für diejenigen die es brauchen: Gute Besserung und falls man Geburtstag hat: Alles gute zum Geburtstag.
🇬🇧 Good morning and I wish you a nice day. For those who need it: get well soon and when you're having your birthday, happy birthday. #FungiFriday
#FungiFriday #ergensindepolder
Went on a hike! I've been inspired by the #FungiFriday posts and tried my hand at photographing some #mushrooms with my phone! Also discovered a "ghost plant," which I originally thought was a mushroom but instead was a flowering mycoheterotroph, meaning it gets its nutrients from fungi!
Overall, I had a #berry good day today!
#lichenthesehashtagpuns #lichensubscribe #fungi #berry #mushrooms #FungiFriday
Este #FungiFriday es para recordar que al momento de referirse a la biodiversidad macroscópica de hongos, hay que usar la palabra *funga* 🍄
#mushtodon #mushrooms #fungi #longweekend #FungiFriday
It's #FungiFriday on a long weekend!
Which I imagine the #mushrooms care very little about.
#Weekend #Life #Forest #BeHereNow #mushrooms #FungiFriday
A somber Fungi Friday this week.
We had a sad loss during Idalia this week: the Stump of Many Wood Ears finally crumbled, the decaying wood no longer able to withstand the extra moisture. But! New life flourishes! In the well of the roots, a tiny oystery friend popped up to say hello!
#FungiFriday #mushrooms #mushtodon #sporeposting