Psst, want some stickers?🧼🌊🐾
1) Donate to the #furnalequinox charity at:
2) Reply with a pic of your donation
3) Check your DMs for a Google form
I have 50 to give away!
No minimum, but $5+ might get you more 🦴😉
#furnalequinox #fe2020 #Furnal2020 #KeepCalmCon
Only a week left until #Furnal2020 / #FE2020?
That means there's only 9 days left until the #TourDeFur!
*Dog intensifies*
#Furnal2020 #fe2020 #tourdefur
Let's clean those beans!
An important PSA for #Furnal2020/#FE2020, let's all remember to keep washing those paws. Wouldn't want to catch that con crud, after all...
Decided to sit down and start cleaning those beans…
Based on step 8 of the W.H.O. handwashing guide
If I finish this fast enough, might be able to get this paw-cleaning PSA ready for #Furnal2020/#FE2020. Thoughts? And colour suggestions?
15 days until the #Furnal2020 / #FE2020 #TourDeFur!
Who am I gonna see there?
#Furnal2020 #fe2020 #tourdefur #fursuitfriday #fe2019
So, who am I gonna see in "Canida" at #Furnal2020/#FE2020 in 20 days?
📷 Paco Panda
#Furnal2020 #nfc2020 #fursuitfriday
*glances at the calendar*
Wait, are we really only 21 days away from #Furnal2020?