Speaking of #nostalgic #furry #old .. Asking to furries around here .. does #FurryMuck still exists/works ? .. Or it's another thing "gone with the dinosaurs" ? .. Or furries here are "too young to ever heard of it" 😄 ? I remember where that was "all the furry social" you could have had ..
#nostalgic #furry #old #FurryMUCK
seriously does anyone have a copy of ANSITerm 1.91?
it was the last registered version, and it scrolls way faster
i had a copy but i seem to have lost my BBS floppy 😥
wonder if Timothy Miller still has a copy, i used to talk to him on #FurryMUCK of all places... 🐺
#FurryMUCK #retrocomp #retrocomputing #atari #atarist #ansiterm
If ever you knew or roleplayed with a grumpy kzin on #FurryMUCK, chances are good that was me. (There weren't many of us, and fewer who were grumpy)
#yiff I was driven by the "Trouble's Tales" series and there were some similarities between my #furryMUCK character and a character who appeared in those stories, name and description and some activities. But, looking back, it has that awkward #porn feel. What were my performances really like?
A little more on #FurryMUCK I was involved with the Callahan's Bar crowd, a #NSFW place which was run by the writer Kittiara (see Wikifur). My character is still in the database. Somebody very like my character appeared in the "Trouble's Tales" series. (Another Wikifur entry.) Some of the gang made pictures with the #Poser software. Some may be archived somewhere.
@zorinlynx I remember when the central town in #FurryMUCK had MUF descriptions that would change seasonally and by time of day.