23) FBI Supervisory Special Agent Scott Hellman is now up. He is being asked to explain what cybercrime is and what intellectual property rights crime is. Prosecutor Andrew DeFilippis is asking the questions.
Lengthy discussion re the infamous former British intelligence agent Christopher Steele cannot be compelled to testify so the dossier will enter the case tangentially in testimony from several witnesses, including employee Laura Seago. twitter.com/JFHaughey58/status

#steeledossier #FusionGPS

Last updated 3 years ago

We have the transcript from yesterday's fight over "privileged" Fusion GPS emails.

Key passage-

Clinton Campaign lawyer was asked if he knew of any emails supporting their claim that Fusion was "providing legal support"

Clinton lawyer: "I don't"



#SpyGate #Hillarygate #FusionGPS

Last updated 3 years ago

2) May, 2016:

Here's @FranklinFoer going back and forth with Fusion GPS on Carter Page

Franklin published the Alfa Bank hoax before the election. twitter.com/Techno_Fog/status/

#SpyGate #FusionGPS #fusiongpsemails

Last updated 3 years ago

19) "work product" which protects non-lawyers work for lawyer in anticipation of litigation. When work-product is the issue, courts will admit if strong need for evidence, which SC argues there is persausively. And in any event, it really is doc by doc analysis. I think SC prevails in having in camera review. We also had a preview of more evidence, too, which include detail that Laura Seago is going to testify and she knows a lot.

#SpyGate #FusionGPS #fusiongpsemails

Last updated 3 years ago

2) Late night filings like this are easy to screw up. And I feel bad for whomever made the mistake b/c you know Sussmann's gonna scream about it, even though it doesn't hurt him (jury hasn't been picked). And like I said Karma. But also see my timeline because the timing of some of this stuff is really screwy and by screwy I mean you gotta ask what came first, Steel or the Sh!t he put in the dossier. twitter.com/ProfMJCleveland/st

#SpyGate #FusionGPS #fusiongpsemails

Last updated 3 years ago