We can't wait to welcome you again at #Waterkant23 🌈
Learn more at: https://www.waterkant.sh 🌊
2 days filled with keynotes & workshops, live music, craft beer, food trucks and the best networking you can find 🎯 Join us NOW! https://Waterkant23.eventbrite.de
#GreenTec #NewWork #AI #FutureOfFood #FutureOfFashion #FutureOfEducation #FuturesThinking #FuturesOfCities #FuturesOfTheOceans #NewMobility #NewRecruiting #ExtendedReality and #YoungTalents #Scandinavia #Startup #kmus #Startups #Funding #Cooperation
#waterkant23 #GreenTec #newwork #ai #FutureOfFood #FutureOfFashion #FutureofEducation #FuturesThinking #FuturesOfCities #FuturesOfTheOceans #NewMobility #NewRecruiting #extendedreality #YoungTalents #scandinavia #startup #KMUs #startups #funding #cooperation
SFTF #1 mit Caesekrake ist draußen! https://open.spotify.com/episode/21OMXAnMmOakqktnjUiNg8?si=rXftJv3IR2uAlvCmq2fjsA&utm_source=copy-link
In unserem Podcast sprechen wir über alles, was mit Zukunft zu tun hat. Wir interviewen Expert:innen, Gründer:innen und die, die es noch werden wollen. Wir stellen euch die heißesten Startups und spannendsten Unternehmen vor und quatschen mit ihnen über ihre Ideen, ihren Antrieb und die Herausforderungen der Zukunft ✨
#waterkant23 #sftf #waterkantpodcast #caesekrake #futureoffood #vegancheese #veganfood #foodstartup #startup
#waterkant23 #sftf #waterkantpodcast #caesekrake #FutureOfFood #vegancheese #veganfood #foodstartup #startup
@alividmar Kul. Mi smo imeli spomladi delavnice na temo #FutureOfFood in smo tudi uporabili mokarje. Delavnica je bila za 9+ in je bila zelo dobro sprejeta 🤓
“We have zero pesticides, zero herbicides, we are spray free. It's as clean as you can possibly get without organic certification...
Any controlled agricultural environment is going to be using energy as an input cost, and probably the highest cost.'”
#GrantLeach, CEO, #26Seasons
#GrantLeach #26Seasons #VerticalFarming #FutureOfFood #IndoorGrowing