▀▀▀ · @maksimilian_stepniakov
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On the morning of the 09.03.2022 cops raided an apartment in Reichenberger Str. in Kreuzberg as part of an ongoing investigation. They had a search warrant for the residence of a comrade who is accused of participating in violent acts against cops in front of our house on June 16, 2021, which was actually the fight against the eviction under the pretext of fire-security. The charge is “very serious case of breach of the peace” ( „besonders schwerer Fall des Landfriedensbruchs“). This investigation and warrant is claimed to be based on video identifications by 2 cops from the LKA 641 (PMS). The cops had a warrant to search particularly for clothes, yellow gloves and electronic storage and communication devices. It seems to be the standard to always confoscate electronic devicesno matter the context, so remember to always encrypt all your media and don’t keep anything unneeded around. de.indymedia.org/node/179053r .

On June 16, 2021 some hours before the establishment of the “red zone” by the cops in our street, friends and comrades in solidarity with Rigaer94 blocked the streets in front of our house with burning barricades. The solidariansstayed behind the barricades and occupied several roof corners to defend until the cops had gathered big forces including a water canon and an armored vehicle and surrounded the entire neighborhood. This fight on that day underlinedfor us as a house what a solidarity movement can achieve within moments of state attacks such as the “firesecurityissue” on June 17, 2021. We defend the legacy that these days left to the struggles by proving the fact that the state indeed is vulnerable and that the political structures are able to counter the attacks on their spaces and ideas.

Almost 9 months later, the state and its servants try to construct accusations against our comrade, supporting them with ridiculous “evidences” and “identifications” from video materials and by raiding an apartment to look for yellow gloves… This repression is based on the machinations that are created by the testimonies of the 2 PMS, a tool which is often used in order to target and repress political identities of individuals, criminalize social surroundings and relations. The PMS as a unit that is made to identify, target, analyse and intimidate political active people is now used, once more, to create imaginary identifications through video material.

Something they will never understand is the solidarity movement. An attack on one of us is an attack to all of us. We stand next to everybody targeted by the state repression and next to every political individual who fights against oppression and exploitation for a better world, of solidarity, mutual-aid and selforganization. The struggle continues even if they try to weaken and oppress us with their repressive tools and machinations.

We will never gonna give up our comrades, ideas and passion for freedom. We stand in solidarity with the accused comrade and all the fighting individuals who might face repression in the context of the struggle around the attemptedeviction of our house. Individuals who face repression (or might face in the future) for this particular case but also for any other connected to the house, can contact us through encrypted email or visit us during the Kadterschmiede opening times; Wednesday&Thursday at 20.00.

Solidarity to all individuals who fight for self-organisation, freedom and equality!

Nobody is free until all are free.

Yours, Rigaer94

E-Mail: rigaer94@riseup.net [PGP on rigaer94.squat.net/contact or threw request]

video from raid: tube.tchncs.de/w/fvL5fgvHi7vRs

#FvckThePolice #FvckTheCops #KillTheCops

Last updated 3 years ago