· @gbdownload
0 followers · 1 posts · Server mstdn.jp

Tired of using the standard WhatsApp? Just go to gbdownload.cc to download GB WhatsApp APK. It offers a range of additional features and customization options that cannot be found in the standard WhatsApp, such as unlimited themes, stickers, fonts and more.
Phone: 13464288364

#whatsappplus #GBWhatsApp #gbdownloaddotcc

Last updated 1 year ago

eSagan 🇮🇳 · @crackurbones
103 followers · 1741 posts · Server qoto.org

is so popular in , even knock-off versions are used more often than Facebook qz.com/africa/1804859/
GB WhatsApp, the most widely used WhatsApp mod across major African markets, allows users operate multiple accounts, restore deleted messages and send and receive larger media files (up to 50 megabytes compared to 16 megabytes on WhatsApp). also offers users more control of privacy settings, including hiding features that notify others when users are online, recording a voice-note or typing a message.

#whatsapp #africa #GBWhatsApp

Last updated 5 years ago